I had a credit balance on DISCOVERCARD when they were MESSIN' with me...I FIXED IT SO IT HAD A BALANCE OF -$0.02...YES THEY OWED ME 2 CENTS!!! They ASSUMED I didn't want it and did a "LOW BALANCE WRITE OFF"...so they "ATE" my 2 cents...wasn't that nice of them!!!! I TOLD THEM THAT WAS MY 2 CENTS WORTH!!! Aug 27 SMALL BALANCE CHARGE OFF -$ 0.02 COPIED AND PASTED FROM MY BILL...
Even tho I have farily good success with Providian. I am paying them and confining it to the sock draw. Just finishing paying off Nextcard. So Providian is next.... Best regards, Mirage
Exactly: Pay it off and use it every other month for $2.00 worth of gas!!! NOT EVEN A WHOLE TANK OF GAS!!! Currently owe $950, had it for 8 months going to 29.9% in December. Never late, never over limit. Currently at 17.9%, my best card is at 9.9% my 4 year old Toyota is at 4.5% and my credit scores are still hurting. I will not cancel, I will pay down the debt and nickel and dime them to death. I will charge small gas purchase and over pay by twenty five cents. Evently they will sell their surving members, maybe sooner than later.
Hi Sam - I was almost going to snap out NEXTCard - but decided to keep it - hoping somebody decent buys them and I will already have a card. Later - Dogman
Hey AMaineman - I am not snarfing anybody who has/had Providian. AGAIN, they sent the first card after my BK - same week! AND I benefited by having a good reference for better and better cards. AND, today's Providian is much more regulated and safer - sure they are jacking rates to 30%! THIS TIME, they are telling the customers. OF COURSE, Providian hopes you have a large balance that you cannot pay off or transfer. If that were the case, i would go to my bank and tell them my credit card company jacked me to 30% and I need a loan to get out and close it. They would do it I'm sure. I was a great model customer - and they told me they were going to 24%! I closed them. BUT - this article is fascinating from the perspective that an entire corportaion advocated screwing customers and hiding fees. (IT IS AMAZING - how they allowed cards to go over limits, then attract a slew of fees.) Best regards - dogman
If you bought $2.00 worth of gas and then OVER-PAID by $0.25...then they would HAVE to send you a bill with the -$0.25 on it... The 3rd month REPEAT...buy $2.00 again...they would HAVE TO send a bill for $1.75!!!
I didn't know they'd let you overpay (I couldn't online) but I charged an extra 10 or 20 dollars or so, paid it in cycle, then returned it as soon as the cycle closed. did you mail in the payment? or maybe use c2it (they show as payments on Providian)
PROVIDIAN Get Smart, my three year anniversary. 7.99 APR Fixed, first three months were O APR. Never had problems with payments. Always pay online. LOC 8K, Always offers for Cash Adv with no transaction fee for full line. Very good for short term purposes. I know I started with Platinum which was Prime. I think once a company gets you into their clutches as a subprime, you stay their. This is what Cap One did to me. Even, today they would not offer me a prime card because I was SP ten years ago. Providian had to make nice, nice with the regulators thus the increase to 29.9% to Sub cardholder's hoping they will close the account or be very prudent while using it. H
Credit card issuer Providian Financial Corp. expects to dump nearly 2,600 more workers this year as a new management team continues to dig out from loan losses that nearly buried the company last year. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2002/05/06/financial1837EDT0160.DTL Then the next day, they change the 2,600 to about 4,000. No wonder their CSR's have been a bit more rude than normal recently.
I haven't seen any notice in my statements about an increase in APR. But then again I haven't looked at last month's statements (2 accounts) since I pay them online (via my bank, not their online payment). I think I'll have to call and ask about the new APR and see if there's any ryhme or reason to how they are doing this!
Just got my Plat. statement no APR hike. Looks like I escape this round of hikes. Read that article on how Providian is laying off more workers. Also noticed that little blup about Providian getting ready to sell the entire operation. Which can partially explain the rate hikes. Best regards, Mirage
I had a offer from Providian, no annual fee, 12.99 APR ( but is a secured card), guess what NO grace period either!! No matter if you pay by the due date or not, YOU ARE GOING TO PAID INTEREST! ...talk about screwing up ppl....
I haven't had one single problem with providian with either my plat visa or my mc. The keep giving me increases and my apr remain unchanged and I haven't recieved any notices that my apr will be going up. I did get a notice in my last statements that late fees and over the limit fees and bounced check fees will be increasing but that is it. I guess I am one of the lucky ones so far too. Hopefully I will stay that way. Providian is my highest limit cards so I would hate to lose them. Total of 11200 in credit line between the two of them.