Providian Secured Card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by skydog, Jan 26, 2001.

  1. skydog

    skydog Guest

    I just received my credit report online from and low and behold I find that right under my Providian trade line is the word SECURED sitting there. I wasn't aware that Providian reported your card as secured. Anyone else noticed this?
  2. Killer

    Killer Guest

    Yep! All 3 cr's list my Providian as secured. But as of yesterday, my account is only partially secured. I signed on to their on-line services and noticed a credit limit increase (only $100). That was free of charge but another is probably in the mail. Probably $1000 increase for $99. That's why they gave me the $100. It will cover the $99 if I decide to accept it. I think this is what the rep told me a month ago.
  3. William Wa

    William Wa Guest

    It will still show as secured, even though it is only partially secured.

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