After speaking with consumer affairs or whatever you call that department, 2 months ago, and them agreeing to re-open my account when paid in full and change the status etc etc, they have renegged on their deal. Now they say because they are going through "changes" they can't change the status and can NOT re-open the account. I have been paying faithfully to them and this is what I get. I could have paid off 3 medical collections for what I've paid those liars!! I might and might not ever pay them off, but it sure won't be #1 on my priority list to pay now. I almost have them paid off and would have been to a -0- balance on the 30th of this month. They suck and I don't believe a word they say now. I'm gonna dispute the accounts as incorrect balance, because they are showing on thing and my online statement shows $500 less and I will send copies to all 3 CRA's. Maybe they will mess up and delete the dang account. grrrrrrrrr that makes me so mad.
Christi- They did the same thing to me (hubbys acct) His was just about to get charged off (120 days past due) so I called and offered them half in exchange for deletion, the rep agreed. This was in July 01, in September I really started focusing on repairing our credit, I pulled his report and it said charge off $629 past due. I called and complained, PFB'd them, wrote a BBB complaint. Franklin "dickhead" Rash from the exec. office called and said sorry we can't report false things, I said JUST DELETE IT! Nope no can do. I just fired off another letter via PFB, saying it WASN'T charged off, but it is reported that way, it also lists last payment made 10/01 when it was 7/01. I said "I understand that I failed to make timely payments in order to keep this account active and on time, but you also have to understand that when I realized my error I called to fix it. Your CS Rep. is also in error for promising something that she/you had no intentions of following through with. There has to be some common ground we can meet at." I went on to ask for an R3 rating. I sent it yesterday, but I will let you know if they do anything! I just closed my newer account with them and so badly want to closde the other but it's my oldest one. Sorry to ramble, try to fire off a PFB letter and see if it gets you anywhere. Good luck!
Get everything, EVERYTHING in writing when dealing w/ credit issues. You cant trust anyone, it seems. Sorry to hear about this-I will say this though-PFB worked w/me and my Providian troubles more so than anything from their customer (dis) service line. Good luck.
FYI - I've talked to Frankin Rash. He is the workflow coordinator for the email/PFB issues. He is difficult to deal with, I agree
OMG!!!! I guess I'm lucky that Providian kept their word to me!!! I think I talked to that Franklin yahoo on the phone one time! I made the mistake of bouncing a payment check (auto transfer didn't kick in--they should have been paid) with them. Since it was the second bounced check--the first being 2 years ago--a rep (Brenda? not there any more) in the exec offices told me that "they" consider that to be a high level of risk. When I initially called, this Franklin guy mentioned that there was no way to open the accounts (I had two Visas, 3 and 4 years old each) unless I paid them to $0. That prompted snail mail to a couple of execs including the old CEO. A very nice VP called and said if I get a letter from my bank, they would reopen both accounts. About 2 months after I sent them the letter my accounts were indeed reactivated.
I've heard Providian is slack on verifying. You might get them on not verifying. Pay them in full... then dispute again. If it's paid it won't rereport and likely it'll drop.
Sorry to hear about that. It doesn't surprise me though. I sent him a letter one month ago asking for a deleaton of the lates on the report (due to them and my own medical hardship). He never even responded. What a bunch of loosers. I can't believe that with their problems that any derog by them will be taken seriously by other creditors.