Providian took another beating...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by FeliceRodo, Jun 20, 2002.

  1. FeliceRodo

    FeliceRodo Well-Known Member in the NYSE going down more than a dollar a share to close at $5.43.

    The ship is sinking.
  2. defender

    defender Active Member

    Your post just made my day! :)
  3. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    God, put them out of their misery.
  4. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.


    Give the employees of Providian, who have always been great to me, hope for continued employment. God, also thanks to Providian for giving me a chance to become "prime" again when all looked bad. God, also remind us never to take joy in other's failures.
  5. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    I guess their charging 30% interest from customers who've been in excellent standing for years is God's way of answering your prayer.

    Their employees would be better served (and trained) working for reputable subprime lenders. Such was Capital One who gave me a chance at the time without trying to rip me off.

  6. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.


    Providian did NOT boost my APR. I have been with them for 4 years, 2 years, 1 year (three cards). All with grace, 16.9 apr. Four years ago my average FICO was 500. So, I guess it just depends before we figure what would be "best."

    I pray for people to be ok, you turn it around. HELLO. Not everyone was screwed by Providian, ok

    AGAIN, HELLO? Providian and Cap One gave me a "chance." Providian is the one who felt fit to give me a "useful" limit of $1k vs Cap One's first $300. Whatever.

    A blanket judgement may make us feel better, but it may be incorrect. I know of many people who have had great luck with Providian and Cap One.

  7. BigH

    BigH Guest

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    Same here Joe, 7.99 Fixed APR on purchases since
    May 99. No problems to date.

  8. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    I pray for people to be ok too, which requires the end of abusive subprime lending. We've had 20+ reports on this board alone about customers whose APR was jacked up to 30% for any reason or for no reason.

    By your logic, I assume you also wish Cross Country Bank well - they also have employees, and since you allow no blanket statements, they probably have 2-3 satisfied customers to back that up.

  9. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.


    You, my friend, are an ass. Providian has many happy customers. Many unhappy customers. Of course. But, ah hell, why debate?

    You, as always are right, oh credit god. In fact, I bet you are right about everything.

    Everyone else, please dump Providian right away. Saar said they suck.


  10. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    Thanks. Seems like you and I are the ONLY ones in the world who don't hate Providian. I guess we are getting reamed without knowing it! Anyone? Anyone? Has anyone been reamed without knowing it? What are the signs? :) :)


  11. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    Haha You guys are crazy.

    I still like Providian. They were the only ones issueing cards above $1000 to subprime clients a couple years back. Plus they give regular substanial increases, rate reductions when you ask, and a quick product upgrades. The rental insurance on gold and platinum has saved me a bundle since I dont carry full coverage.

    I've been on this board for about two years (when you didn't have to register.) Back then many creditneter's had horrific credit and there was alot of talk about subprime cards. Alot of creditneter are reaping the benefits of their works and the are back in the prime segment. People who had Orchard in 2000 now have AMEX in 2002.

    Providians financial trouble has caused them to give the 30% APR to certain cardholders. I understand that this group is the people who generally pay the minimal payment and people with little to no activity on the card.

    If you are carrying a large balence on this card and paying the minimum payment that has to hurt. I'd suggest you BT to another card that you have, if you can. Then keep the card for FICO limit purposes.

    For all the rest of the sock drawer people then just keep it for limit puposes or close the account because you most likely have have better cards.

    I sure dont want the company to go under because there's not enough cards out there taking chances on the subprime customers with prime goals. After I become prime there will be many good subprime customers to take my place.
  12. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    Fat Jake,

    Well said! Yes, we are crazy, but we love to be crazy. Hehe. That is what makes this place fun and a bit nuts. Like a bunch of brothers and sisters. Hehe.


  13. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    Not your friend, but I do understand my post has found you bitter and frustrated to the point of resorting to profane and abusive language. I'm glad you like Providian's service, and hope that they keep treating you well.

  14. BigH

    BigH Guest

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    Since when is "ass" profane or abusive? You are totally off the mark. People just get fed up with your
    so called expertise in certain areas, which, unfortunately, in some instances, is biased and totally incorrect. If the FCC allows the use of the
    word ass as an abbreviated version of jackass, then
    it is not profane.

    I hope you are not trying to get PBM to close this
    gentleman's account because you are wrong.
  15. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    We called Providian last week and asked for a rate reduction. Even told them we were considering transferring our balnce to CAP 1 if they could not reduce the rate from their current 29.99%. The CS rep said; "we can't lower your rate" She basically said do whatever you want as far as transferring your balance and closing the account.

    I have a FICO of 661, perfect paymnet history with them over 1 year, never late, and keep a reasonable balance on the card.

    How did those of you who got providian to lower the rate do i?
  16. Marypc

    Marypc Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    I have to comment here that Saar is a trusted, long time member of this community who has saved a lot of us a lot of grief over the last few years when it comes to credit issues. Calling him an ass is a bit harsh, in my opinion.

    The long and the short of it is that if Providian has treated you all that well, you are in the minority. Im basing this on the posts I have seen on this and other sites, and the experience of my acquaintances and family. Maybe thats not the be all and end all, but I think I can say that most of us have not been as fortunate as you with our Providian dealings.

    And, no offense, but your first post did sound kind of preachy, and perhaps a bit insensitive to those of us who have been burned by Providian in the past.
  17. Saar

    Saar Banned

  18. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    Thanks, Marypc.

  19. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    What planet are you from? Profane and abusive? My my, Saar must be a true blue blood. :)

  20. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian took another beating.

    Thanks. I'll say nothing more to upset the landed gentry around here. You and I don't know each other and yet we agree. So, we'll be nuts togther. :)

    Thanks for standing up with me.


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