providian visa gold offer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by poboy, Nov 2, 2000.

  1. poboy

    poboy Guest

    Hi guys. First time post from a semi-long time lurker. I recieved an offer from Providian for a Visa Gold. $49 for a $300 limit. I know it isn't much but for me its a start. It's more than I have now. Should I take the offer and work towards a higher limit or wait for a better deal?
  2. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Do you have any other cards right now and if so which ones? And how bad/good is your credit??

  3. poboy

    poboy Guest

    OOPS. Sorry about the last post. I do not have any other cards. My credit stinks. BK 99 (voluntarily dismissed after I decided not to go through with it), couple of judgements.
  4. 777

    777 Guest

    I like Providian. My suggestion, take the offer.
  5. poboy

    poboy Guest

    Thanks 777.

  6. 777

    777 Guest

    You're welcome ;-)
  7. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    I would take the offer, it's a start:)
  8. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Hey, poboy

    take that offer, for real.$49 is low for providian. sometimes they ask $89. '99 bk. take that offer for real. that gold card will have $1,000 limit in about 6 months knowing providian. TAKE IT.
  9. poboy

    poboy Guest

    RE: Hey, poboy

    Thanks Roni. I'll put a money order in the mail first thing tomorrow. Any idea on how long it should take them to process it and send the card?
  10. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Hey, poboy

    it took me a while to get my providian card. it took about 3 weeks after applying. And by the way, this is a good move. Providian will do you right, if you do them right.
  11. S.D.

    S.D. Guest

    I also received a Providian Gold Card offer w/ a $500 limit, 23.99 apr and some kind of processing/annual fee. I have no credit either so I was thinking of taking the offer, even though they don't have a grace period =(

    How soon do you think I can ask them for a lower interest rate, more grace period, and no/low annual fee? (I haven't sent them my money order yet...)

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