Providian Will Not Increase!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Frank, Apr 4, 2001.

  1. Frank

    Frank Guest

    I have a question: If you are supposed to keep your credit card tradelines at 10-15 percent debt to credit line, as Roni's chart said, then how the hell do you get credit line increases from Providian?

    I thought Providian only gave increases to those using their credit?
  2. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian Will Not Increas

    I've been charging small amounts every month and paying in full. This seems to be sufficient to get increases. If you are concerned about keeping the ratio down, pay at the website three or four days before the statement closing date and the card will be reported with a zero balance.
  3. judyputy

    judyputy Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian Will Not Increas

    I have alwasy gotten my increases when I paid off my cards. Or when I have run to the very limit.

    If you can, buy something big that you could pay cash for then pay off the whole card if you can and maybe they will up the limit.
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian Will Not Increas

    Yep , I can tell you from experience that gets you an increase. Max it out, pay it down. I carry a little bit of a balance - get increases like clockwork. Pay aheaad of time, too.

    I'm at $6,500 on one card, $2,500 on the other.

  5. Shantel

    Shantel Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian Will Not Increas

    I maxed out my MC and increases. I just kept paying the min + 10-15 more a month. They loved it. Like Breeze clockwork.
  6. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian Will Not Increas

    I just received a $200.00 increase. (last one in 11/00)

    My balance has been close to max, but I will be spending the next four months in bringing my balance to the 15% level.

    Best regards,

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