
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by muf_fin@3, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. muf_fin@3

    muf_fin@3 Well-Known Member

    Have anyone ever call Providian and ask for an emergency credit line increase (500.00)??????
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I did but it was only for $100 all I asked for was $50 though. Might want to try this:
    I was at Orlando airport and planned on using my credit/debit card from my bank for the Rental Car. AVIS wouldn't let me and providina hadn't recevied my payment yet, so I called Providian told them what was going on, they put me on hold for about 20 minutes and granted it to me. BUT it was a temp. increase, what increase they give you OVER your normal limit you have to have paid bakc BEFORE your cycle closes to avoid overlimit charges!
    Hope I helped!

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