Hi, I am having problems with Providian. I had a visa card with them which I closed about two years ago. They are showing 5 30-day lates on my 3 credit reports. To date I have sent two letters. The first, a polite letter requesting that they remove the late payments from my reports. They refused to remove anything..okay The second letter, which I mailed in early January asked them to remove the late payments or send proof of each delinquency. The resposne to this letter was "we have completed our investigation and found our records to be correct". Is this considered providing proof? I assumed that they were required to provide statements or some other written documentation on the account. Any thoughts on the next step? This account is the only delinquent history that I have on my reports. Appearantly, Providian reported me 30 days late even when I was paying within 30 days of the due date. Does 30 days late include 1-29 days late or is it normally used for 30-59? Some of the 30 day lates being reported are for payments made one or two days late. Any suggestions or help is appreciated.Thanks
01-29 days late = 30 days late 31-59 days late = 60 days late 61-89 days late = 90 days late I know it's not fair, since you really were not "30 days" late, but the CRA's aren't sent up to be fair.
I was told by other creditors that you aren't 30 days late until you are actually 30 days late. This seems correct since my auto loan is due the 28th of the month. I get paid the last day of the month so I called them and they said that's OK and have never reported me 30 days. I've also talked with some other creditors about it and was told the same thing.
Just called my credit card co. They said if payment is not received by due date, you are then considered late, and COULD be reported to the CRA's as such. However, they also said you won't "necessarily" be reported as 30 days late, if say payment is received a few days after your due date. They probably will assess a late fee though.
You might consider another approach. I just had an incorrect late pay removed by disputing it with experian online. I had heard that Providian is having some diffculties and as a result might nothave the manpower necessary to verify info for the CRA's. It seems like this might be true 'cuz experian removed it when they hadn;t heard from them in the 30 days required. You might want not to do it this way but if it works it is easy and free and you still have told the truth. Good Luck, Tom
Try it again, dispute with the CRA's. I disputed for MONTHS about hubbys providian charge off, I had no success until they started selling their accounts, they haven't responded to 2 out of the 3 CB's and were removed. I am currently disputing the 3rd CRA.