Before the conspiracy theorists announce it for me, I thought I would be the first to mention that I've begun consultation work for Lexington Law Firm ( and Lorman Educational Services ( Lorman is a company which provides continuing education unit credits (CEUs) for attorneys nationally, and I am a member of their faculty for consumer credit related topics. My work with Lexington actually began several months ago and in some ways isn't unlike what I've done for The Motley Fool ( As for Lexington, that really deserves a quick FAQ. Here goes: Doc, what do you mean by "before the conspiracy theorists announce it for me"? How in the heck would they know anyway? (Moreover, it's very sad to see a shrink fall victim to such a floridly paranoid personality disorder.) As for the last comment, how true that is. As for the rest, they are featuring my work on their web site now (link), so it was only a matter of time before someone even more demonstrably paranoid than myself would come across that and escalate like a space shuttle. So does this mean you're going to be a shill for Lexington now? No. No. And no, no, no. I am a huge advocate for do-it-yourself credit repair, and my personal story is a testament to that. However, as my Creditnet friends know, I was indeed a Lex client several years ago and enjoyed quite a few good deletions as a result before I became addicted to credit repair and to these boards. Although I think Lex does great work overall for those who don't have the time or inclination to become credit fanatics (like most of us here), I'm still a do-it-yourself junkie at heart and will advocate that as always. Oh sure, it's only a matter of time before you start spamming the boards with thinly veiled advertisements. We're going to have to start calling you PsychWrench. Actually I was once accused of being Bill Bauer, which is of course impossible because I'm not a septugenarian chain-smoker. (Bill, I realize you still read this board occasionally: You know I love you, and I'm kidding.) As for spamming, I'll head in the exact opposite direction. Although I've routinely mentioned my positive history as a Lex client up to now, I don't think I have that luxury anymore because someone will surely misinterpret the motivations. My testimonial days are over. Finally, in addition to that consumer law firm I won't mention anymore, I also purchased consultation and materials from a number of other experts during my personal credit odyssey years ago, including Bill "Creditwrench" Bauer himself, Kristi Welch ( and Kristi Feathers (, among others. I owe all of them a debt of gratitude. Of course my most heartfelt appreciation will always extend to breeze, Saar, LKH, Lizardking, Marie, marci, and so many other fellow credit addicts here who walked me through so much. Enough sappy butt kissing. You probably get a cut of Creditnet's advertising revenue from Lexington. Or if a board member signs up, you get brownie points. Oh, by the way, maybe you're pbm. Well I may be pbm, but that's another controversy for another day. Maybe Steve will weigh in on this (or not). As for the previous questions, I will answer those dead-on: I get no cut of the advertising revenue, and I get no brownie points. The fact is that I could care less if somebody signs on with Lexington or Bill Bauer or Christine Baker or buys Suze Orman's kit from or some credit repair books or you-name-it or saves their money for postage and pro se lawsuits. Whatever works for you is fine with me as long as it doesn't involve file segregation, "new identities," or other illegal tactics. (And for that matter, if you're dumb enough to break the law, that's not my concern either.) It's your life, and I have no stake in your life. Oh, so you don't care about us! Actually, insofar as credit scoring and credit bureaus are jury-rigged against consumers, I do care, and that's why my career has literally become more about consumer behavior than personality assessment. Incidentally, this FAQ is getting too nutty even for me at midnight. Sorry. Ok, Doc, I had a terrible time with Lexington. I hated my paralegal. He slept with my girlfriend. They killed my dogs, they finished off my Haagen-Dazs, they are the spawn of hades, and they have bad breath. I want my money back. Unfortunately, I will be about as much help to dissatisfied Lex clients as I have been with dissatisfied Motley Fool clients. In other words, the best I'll do is forward your email to a kind person and then let the decision-makers render their judgment free of my interference. Please note: I promise not to act like a compensated advertising department if you'll promise not to treat me like a compensated customer service department (because I'm neither). Sorry about the girlfriend. Well, it's late, and that's all I can think of for now. Thanks for your indulgence. Yours in spending every waking hour engrossed in credit repair, Doc
Great post and great article, Doc! Informative, funny, and a real eye-opener! I would vote to have the link to your "Psychoses" articles posted at the top of this forum (although I don't know if that constitutes a conflict of interst). Anyway, thanks! And keep it up!
Major congrats, Doc, you deserve it after doing so much for so many here. I sincerely hope you benefit a great deal from this. I thoroughly enjoyed your post -- very, very funny... Now I realize how hard it is to come back after a couple weeks off this board. Now I'll have to figure out what "pbm" is before I can sleep tonight. If I'd obsessively stuck around I'd already be in the know...and could just nod off...but NOoooo. (LOL) Goldhummingbird
Hey, is that truly your likeness on the Lex page, or did you just randomly select some cute dude to sit for a pic? I enjoyed your article very much. Learned a bunch and even came away with a new word for my vocabulary -- "progenitors".
Hey, is that truly your likeness on the Lex page, or did you just randomly select some cute dude to sit for a pic? I enjoyed your article very much. Learned a bunch and even came away with a new word for my vocabulary -- "progenitors".
Stop loosing sleep while running a search to figure out an acronym or a vague reference? (BIG SMILE) Geez. Why break with tradition now! Thanks for saving my beauty sleep, though, Hedwig.
Pysch It has probably been about a year since I have been here. I heard from somebody about this post and thought that I would drop in to say congrats to ya buddy. Don't forget us over at CB. fla-tan
Hey, that's what I get for not reading the board for a few days... Thanks much for the kind kudos! Doc
Hey Psychdoc, I surely hope that you remember the fine times(and debates)that we had on this board in the past. I'm not around much these days & I will send you an email that gives a better idea of what the situation is all about. Do you still use that same email that I had from before ?.....LOL Sister Girl