PsychDoc turns off his email :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Sep 16, 2002.

  1. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, LOL. I'm getting all kinds of unusual email requests, and I'm feeling pretty rude when I have to say "no" or decide to say nothing at all. During the past week, I received two heartfelt requests for one-on-one help with credit repair -- one wanted to pay me. My answer to each was something like, "Sorry, I personally don't do credit repair for others." Another person with whom I've never exchanged even a "hello" wrote and asked some personal questions about where I live, whether or not I moved yet, something about my employment, whether I really am a professor offline, etc. and ended the email with "I am not being nosy, just curious."

    Since saying "no" or not answering personal questions from strangers may be construed by some nice person out there as rude, and since I don't like feeling rude (or being rude for that matter), I decided it would be easier to just shut off the email link. I apologize to anyone I've offended. I promise I'll try to answer anything directed at me here. Even when I stray away from the board for a week at a time (rarely), I come back and do a search on "PsychDoc" just in case somebody had a question for me. In any case there are far more qualified people here who are answering questions all the time. For example, somebody emailed me a series of questions about bankruptcy. I have no personal experience with bankruptcy, nor do I know anything about it really. Others here are truly experts in that and every other area.

    Ok, thanks for hearing my combo announcement and apology. I think "Doc's Trick" (the simple bookmarking of a web page link, lol -- not much of a "trick" really) has fooled some newcomers into believing I may be the point man for answers. Alas, it ain't so. :)

  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Well Doc, I know the feeling. I get my share and so far, no one has asked personal questions. I might feel like turning off the email if someone did ask those kinds of questions. I get questions emailed to me all the time and if I know the answer, I respond. I have 2 or 3 people ask me to help with lawsuits and I told them I couldn't do that as I'm not a professional and will not take on any possibilities of liability. I did offer to assist or look it over for them, but each time I never heard back. LOL
    Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is I don't blame you. But, don't forget, I have you email address. Nyah haha!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  4. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    Fame has its disadvantages too.

    Although I have never posed a question directly to you I have learned a great deal from reading what you have posted first hand and in response to others.

    I imagine other new people are anxious to get started and would rather try to ask direct questions instead of researching the old post on this board. And you always post intelligent messages so you would be a natural target.

    Thatâ??s Americans we are always looking for the quick fix.
  5. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Seems reasonable given the circumstances.
    And let me take this opportunity to direct you to a question I have regarding EXP disputes. I posted it in the thread I started about results from your trick. It has to do w/ a reply you gave George about giving reasons when disputing and human v. computer only dispute involvement. I was wondering if this applied to ALL Exp disputes or only when disputing inqs. If you get a chance, I would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
  6. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    Gee Doc,

    Just turn off the e-mail (I don't even know how to use it, LOL) But hang around the board and even if you just say Hi. Boundary issues are a real problem in our society today. But I respect you decision and drop in to say Hi, sometime. I have always enjoyed your posts.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ONE-ON-ONE is DANGEROUS...if you FAIL or the results are not what they expect...YOUR THE BAD GUY!!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ...more...the "FIX" will help 100's of readers here...if will help ONE...
  9. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    I don't blame you either Doc. Even though I am not one of the "elite" (but I've been here long enough to know what that means! LOL) I've gotten some strange emails too. My email is always off now... LOL

    P.S. Thanks to you and all of the other CN'ers for all of your indirect advice! :) May the force be with you in your credit repair journey!!
  10. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    You've contributed alot to this board. I think you are very polite, and, I don't think you owe anybody answers to personal questions.
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    SEARCH works, if people use it...there is NOT much that has not been discussed here at one time or another...
  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Dang me, Doc!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was just getting ready to email you too -- I've GOT to know, boxers or briefs? ;-)

    No worries, you aren't the one being rude.

  13. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    I've emailed a few of the members here directly. I know there are a lot of trolls watching this board, so sometimes I don't feel comfortable posting specific information that I need help with. While I am thankful to those who respond with advice, I wouldn't be insulted if someone chose not to. I think newbies like myself tend to get a little eager and want one on one help from someone, but most of the time it's actually better to post a message because you will get different opinions on a subject. I don't think people should come here with the mindset that everyone HAS has to help you. Nor do I think it's appropriate to be asking people for information regarding their personal lives!
  14. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

  15. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member


    Doc types like a briefs sort of guy... LOL What was Doc's "Trick" again?? LOL (Kidding!)
  16. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    well, doc.

    does that mean an end to my private counseling sessions?? (LOL) I guess someone else will have to step to the plate and answer all those damn questions that people ask before running a search, reading FAQ's or lurking...

    anyway, thanks a lot for all the help, wisdom and of course, your patience!
  17. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    LOL, Lizardking,

    I didn't consider the pantyline factor, hmmmm, maybe I shouldn't have assumed he wore anything at all ;-)

    Be FREE, Doc, be free!

  18. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Upon his request, Doc has been released from his advice-giving duties on the board; He's been assigned to do the dishes instead. I trust everyone is confortable with the new arrangement.

  19. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Doc no problem for me, that is why this board had the POST button and the SEARCH button, something I use often. Your response to some of my post ahs been appreciated and reading your threads has helped even more. You are not obligated to answer any of our emails.

    But you can always HOLLA at me.
  20. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    It is very sad that because of nosiness you had to cut off your email.

    Soon people would have been e-mailing psychiatry questions to you, hoping to save money.


    Even though I have never e-mailed you, you are needed here, so you better stick around!!!!!

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