Dr. Laura's got one. Why not me? (At least I don't question the morality of people who live their lives differently than I do.) I'll change the message every day until I get tired of doing this (in other words, about 7 days worth). Then I'll change it every week (about 3 weeks worth). Then I'll change it every year. The number is long-distance to Washington state. (Long story.) It's 1-206-337-1824. Enjoy. (Or don't.) Doc
I like it. Personally I think it has to do with too much time with the Potty Putter (see Breeze's thread) and the regret at having paid full price for it. And maybe the heartbreak of psoriasis.
Doc, That was terrific!! Worth the nickel or so it cost me. You should get a 900 number, I would call it.
Re: Bkev's Message of the Week........ Doc.....YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!!!!!! (to quote your words....
That's great Doc! I will be calling in for future messages since I am in WA too and it is not Ld for me (although it would be worth it if it was) LOL!
Hahahaha LMAOPIP That was hillarious and I agree with Erica you hit the nail dead on 1,2,3 and 4 ...have you ever thought of using your gift for cash...you could make alot of money ) I wanna daily PsychDoc subscription...(is that like therapy, will insurance cover the cost of the calls -Peace, Dave
Shucks, THANKS, LOL! I expected the opposite response, something reasonable along the lines of, "Get off your high horse, Doc" or the like. Message for 11/29 is about FICOphobia. Doc
I do not know why, but I cannot get thru from my office. Wonder why? hummmm. You all know I just love to laugh!!!
LOL! Been thinkin' the same thing myself. Maybe someone is suffering from diminished capacity from too much time spent in the FICOsphere.