PsychDoc's Self-Imposed Time-Out

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Jan 16, 2003.

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  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    All of those who left
    Let go of the hurt, and think of all the people that you have helped and those who continue to need your advice.

    Fortunately none of them was selected as a moderator.

    The board don't need touchy childish moderators who put their ego first and cop out when they don't get their way.

    Their walking out over this silly little thing showed me just how little they really were.

    I'm starting to get tired of posters bemoaning the fact these cry babies left and now there is no hope help or what ever for them. Quit crying over them They don't deserve the tears if they really cared about your problem they would have set aside their feelings and still been here for you.

    Also such bemoaning is a slap in the face to those who remain, so please quit insulting them. They don't deserve it.
    At least they are still available which is a whole lot more than I can say for the

  2. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    EXCELLENT post Doc! Your expert and careful use of words definitely demonstrates the matter at hand with this board. I too have been sitting back lately and watching what has unfolded on creditnet and to my dismay, nothing has gotten better. It makes me ill when I see an old timer with a vast amount of knowledge and expertise that can be put to efficient use is driven to the point of insanity (hehe, like that one Doc?) to say he won't be posting as much on a board where he has been active for a very long time. This alone presents to me and should be very prevalent to others as well that this board needs to undergo some major changes and quickly. I am not saying the administration of this board is bad or anything of the like, but moreso that they need to analyze the matter at hand and rethink some perspectives of how to properly handle and moderate this board. I would suggest a special post be created to stay at the top of other posts titled "comments and suggestions." This would allow for everyone to voice their opinions and ideas, which would surely allow the administration to gain greater insight into what will make the board work better. I hope that Odessa, Fla-Tan, and others can work together to make this board work like a well oiled machine. As always, I am ready and willing to help in any way I can.
  3. fairnes2me

    fairnes2me Member

    well, I hope you will be coming back, and I also hope that they change their view on censorship.

    I posted under the name of "helpwanted" Since June of 2001, and it is essentially BANNED because I asked people who were leaving to either post a link to the site they were going to, or to come with me and I would build one.

    They have this funny view of other sites trying to "compete" here, but my goal is to keep the vets around to help me. I still need help with my credit scores!

    This site is sooooooo slow for access.

    They felt that I was going over the edge with my post, I guess and have deleted all reference to it as well as "banned" my screen name. Anywhow, hope you come back and they give me my name back!
  4. andra

    andra Well-Known Member

    Well said Doc! I hope we all can forgive and get on with our credit journey.

  5. lady

    lady Well-Known Member


    I do hope you decided to stick around. I've learned so much from you and hope to keep on learning from you

  6. Epitomee

    Epitomee Well-Known Member

    I am a newbie and after reading previous post from the "vets", I have been able to concisely compose my thoughts and facilitate a clear process of cleaning up my credit report. I appreciate you guys and I have only been a part of Credit Net for 1 month. Please don't leave us now. Censorship is not what the United States stands for (I think).
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    lately the posts have
    become less informative. I am sure this has to do with a lot of the vets not posting. dimitri
    So the people who stayed don't count for anything right?
    Bet they lavish this slap in the face.
    LB 59
  8. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    Ping the new folks

    Maybe some fresh ideas is a good thing ..
    Maybe that the CRA 's think that CN is dead is a good thing.

    One thing I can tell you after all the crap it did nothing for my credit scores LOL
    So for all the new folks that think this is major issue.

    Don't let it bother you
    READ the FAQ 3 times
    READ the laws 5 times
    Seach the archives
    Google is your friend
    Know thy enemy
    Never use the phone to discuss anything.
    Never verify anything over the phone
    Never send any cancelled checks paid bills or whatever
    Document the crap out everything you do.
    Persistance is the greatest tool
    Be a creative write don't boilerplate.

    I credit repair
    therfore I dispute

    I dispute
    therfore I create

    I create
    therfore I CRRR
  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    Given the recent changes, I think I can post again without fear that my messages will be deleted. So I'm out of time-out now.

    My son sitting here with me just asked, "Daddy, why did they put you in time-out?" :)

  10. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    Kid are so cute. When I was chatting in here the other day, my 10yr old, who is just now being allowed to chat with friends (thru IM), passed by and said "Mommy, you do know what LOL means?".
  11. psp in nm

    psp in nm Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    Welcome back, DOC!!
  12. monkeyboy

    monkeyboy Active Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    doc good to have you back and posting again. i am sure that no one will be deleting your posts anymore (not an attack on Butch, who did his best).

    since you have been gone someone seems to have appointted himself as the speaker for all who remain. this is unforunate because i do not remember anyone electing this person to speak for anyone. hopefully with the boward getting back in to where it used to be, this person will stop taking what people post so personally and deal with credit matters.
  13. pnwman

    pnwman Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    Lol. Great to have you back. I wish there were a way to smooth over the past difficulties and make it so everyone felt comfortable coming back.
  14. boywonder

    boywonder Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    Glad you will be sticking around, Doc. Though I am not a regular poster--I wholeheartedly agree with your original post. All this secrecy, banning, and censorship will only have a chilling effect on the message board.
  15. reddevil

    reddevil Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    MB -

    I assume you mean me. I still think that I was for the most part right. However, I do realize that I didn't express myself either temperately or usefully. My intent was to knock some sense into people, but I did a lousy job of it. So I'm done with that. I apologize to anyone who still remains on this board who I upset or offended. But that's as far as I can go for now. I hope you'll understand and respect that.

    I'm going to take a small timeout myself, but I'll be back. I have a lot of work to do, and so do the rest of us. I hope that some of you can help me, and I hope that I can help at least some of you.

    See you all soon.
  16. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    Hey, thanks for the kudos, but I never "left the building" or anything. My idea of "time-out" is sit-back-and-see... and I did end up posting the whole time. It's really hard to welcome back somebody who never left. Thanks anyway, though. :)

  17. mtnair

    mtnair Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    Haven't been able to visit here lately, who left?
  18. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    We are all utterly delighted to see you Doc.

    YOU have been missed terribly.

    Hope the new house is going well for you and loved ones.

  19. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Ping the new folks

    LOL, I know you missed me while I was "gone," Butch. Did anyone make any interesting posts during the hiatus?

  20. monkeyboy

    monkeyboy Active Member

    Re: Ping the new folks


    no i did not mean you, but you are very gracious for message and the ability to look with in yourself. but you are not the one i was speaking of. and there really is no reason to talk about it anymore since things here at credit net are getting back to normal.


    it is good to see you back posting again. i do apologize if my posts a few days ago helped to set off that situation. i am a true admirer of yours and hope to seek your advice in the future. welcome back.
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