There is a public record liabilty on my finacees credit report for an old energy bill for $278.00 which we can easily afford. Do we pay that and does that get erased from that history?
How old is the judgement? The reason I ask, is that I had a judgement vacated from 2000 and it droped my scores by 30 points. It really depends on what you are looking to do. tix
The judgment will remain on your CR for 7 years whether paid or not. The judgment may still be enforceable for 10 or 20 years depending on the state - with interest.
the judgement is for $278.00....he doesn't know where it is from, but it is for valley energy, he lived in CA for a few years and thinks that maybe after he left one of his bills never got to him adn now they are collecting on it. THe date on the report is April, of 2004. does that mean even if he pays it is stays until 2011. he is just going to pay it anyway but does it show its at least payed?
It should get updated to show paid, soon after it is paid. if not dispute as inaccurate! some people here have has success in getting public records removed before the 7 years has passed. it is good that you have moved away from the address on record. at some point in the future, you will remove all references to the old addresses on your CR's., only your current address should be there. then you will dispute the judgment and there is a good chance that it won't be verified , and thus removed
Is the "public record" showing up on their 'real' CRA report, or their merged report? There have been a lot of posts where from looking at their merged report 'collection accounts' were looking as if they were 'public records', but when they received their 'real' report from the CRAs, there were no public records. If it is a REAL judgement, and they were not served properly, they could probably get the judgement vacated for improper service, but this may be only available for a limited amount of time after the judgement is awarded, so they'll need to check with whichever court it is showing that the judgement is with (note, if its a REAL judgement, it should be showing the information about the court that the judgement was awarded by.)