Pwr of Attrny to dispute w/CRA's

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tac14033, Jun 19, 2002.

  1. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I am in the process of trying to fix my wife's credit as her's is alot less work then mine was to fix. We are trying to get a mortgage for a new home and the mortgage broker has stated all of her collections need to come off her report to qualify, at least at a favorable intrest rate.

    I have contacted the CRA's the other day to get preliminary results and info regarding some of these disputes.

    As you might have guessed I am not her and all but TransUnion will not discuss her file with me, even though I am her husband.

    My wife is oblivious to the laws and such and in the past when I had her call to check status they talked her into re-disputing a tradline they said they never received a dispute for, although I have proof they received it and it was over 30 days. The kindly re-disputed this for her and when she told me I hit the roof because it was over 30 days and I know they received the account dispute. If it were me on the phone I would have demanded deletion under the law. She of course didn't know that. For that very reason I want her to not contact the the CRA's anymore.

    Our attorney advised me to make up a Power of Attorney to handle all of her issues.

    We did this and I am about to contact the CRA's to see what the deal is.

    Does anyone know about doing something like this before I proceed??

    Good idea?


  2. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Re: Pwr of Attrny to dispute w/CRA


    There is one on Christine Baker's site -

    It would give you an idea of what needs to be on there - of course you'd have to change it to use your name. It's a pretty simple form actually.

    There might be a form on this site as well - just do a search on Power of Attorney or POA.


  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I would go after TU for disclosing confidential info to you. I know someone who was seriously past due on a CC for 5000+, and the caller gave out info to the spouse and they ended up getting the whole amount of the CC balance and everything dropped. Charlie
  4. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pwr of Attrny to dispute w/CRA

    Hello Mommy2cats...

    Can you post the specific link to your referenced doc? Her site's got a million and one things/links...
  5. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

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