Hey, Not sure if anyone can help, but it's worth a try! My credit union that has my car loan has been trying to get ahold of me without success(they call my cell phone while I'm at work), and they contacted my parents since they were on my references. My parents live over 300 miles away, have nothing to do with me or the loan, and there's no need for that. It's not the first time they have called them, either. The lady told them to relay the message that unless I have a bus pass, I better get ahold of them soon, and when my mother pushed her for more info, she said 'yes, a bus pass - as in if he doesn't get ahold of us soon, it will be his only mode of transportation.' IS THAT ALLOWED?!? I have a feeling there has to be some law about not doing that sort of thing, but I don't even know where to begin to look - I live in Texas, if that helps. It's insane they'd drag my parents into my business and give information like that to them and pisses me off to no end. Is there anything at all I can do? A quick response would be great. Oh, and for the information, I am a couple months behind on payments(and intend to let them repo it unless a situation changes soon) so that is why they want to get ahold of me. But are they allowed to give information like that away or just use the references as a means to try and get better contact info? (note: Parents are NOT co-signers of this loan, just a reference that was filled out with the loan app)
mfisms 12*and intend to let them repo it unless a situation changes soon) *************** GET THE BASICS HERE. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ***************** >Why do you think that's a good idea?
Well, whether or not that is a good idea is entirely irrelevent to the topic. I want to know if it's legal for them to call and say that sort of thing.. and are they allowed to be calling my cell phone daily? I'm not sure if they count under the fair debt collection act because they are the original loan people and not a debt collection agency. I just want to know if this is legal or not, not really looking for advice on the morality and credit rating implications for non-payment of car loans.
So if they make the comments to my mother as mentioned in the original post, that is more than my whereabouts. That is disclosing information about my loan status.. What would I be citing to them to make them aware I know what they did and point out the legal implications if they do not count under the FDCPA?
Re: Re: Q regarding loaner contacting ref. They are trying to get a hold of you and you are avoiding them They are the OC not a CA so the FDCPA does not apply to them If you were to contact them you might be able to come up with a plan to avoid repo, like extending payments, etc. or at least voluntary repo why are you trying to shirk your responsibilities??