My partner got his score last night at about 11pm ... this AM I tried getting mine, and they've taken off all references to credit scores - they only offer the credit report now. Guess FICO got wind of it and shut 'em down.
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor I got my score at 2:31am. Did you see my post from last night before I got my score. I suspected Fico was behind all their site problems for the last 2 days. roni
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor ican pull up the site now. oh well, i dont care. i have my score now. roni
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor I think you folks should read a little closer. These "scores" are not FICO at all. They are generated by "CreditXpert" and appear to be just another proprietary score based upon some other algorithm.
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor And... I see below Momof3 covered this already, so sorry about the redundancy!
not here... I just did my hubby's and it worked fine noon time here. Of course the report was way off just like mine, didn't even list that eletric bill as a collection account, which I know is WRONG. His score was 614, so it may be accurate for what the report says, unfortunately the report is wrong
so SAm What was it?? If you don't mind revealing it. And also was your report accurate and where was it pulled from?? I know their EQuifax reports are not current, just curious if their experians are??
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor I just got mine from QSpace at about 10am today. AND it was MUCH better than I thought. It was a 664! Does anyone think that this is an accurate score? They pulled Experian.
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor The scores are NOT actual FICO scores, they use their own scoring method, whether it is close to FICO we don't know.
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor Ran my report at 12:45 PM and not a problem. Score a 740 which I thought was a little on the high side.
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor Was that your Equifax, Doug?? I had a 729 on my Equifax. Also, didn't you apply for Juniper? What was your limit again if I might ask?
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor My score form Q-space was 704,I was approved Juniper with 5000 credit line.
RE: Q-space stopped doing scor Q-SPACE pulled Experian on me. Juniper was approved for 6000 credit line and 40% of that 2400 for cash line. Juniper pulled Equifax only.
RE: so SAm Equifax. My citibank and 2nd capitalone card are not reported. Score: 511 (heheh) VERY POOR (or 22 on 1-100). I only have two good trade-lines since my citibank and cap 1 gold cards aren't on there. It is what i expected. Basically my credit is doomed until mid 2003, which is acceptable for me since i'm in the $5500 credit line range now. I'm pretty happy with xmas this year, my christmas shopping has left me with only $700 in debt! hoo-ray.
RE: Eboni I didn't read this entire thread, some of it though. My score is still available, I have no idea if it is accurate because I don't really have anything to base it on. Also, the website states on the first page that you can get your credit score.