Quality Asset Recovery

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by christiele, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. christiele

    christiele Active Member

    Anyone heard of Quality Asset Recovery? Been contacted by them for first time about a debt I am not sure of. They say the buy debts and immediately sue.
  2. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    If that were the case, they would have sent the sheriff to your house with a summons already. Sounds like they're trying to rattle you into payment.

    Read the FDCPA, that will tell you what they need to do, and when, and how.
    If they haven't sent you a letter explaining your rights within five days of you initial contact, then they're ripe for some FDCPA litigation and you're likely to become eligible for some pay day.
  3. christiele

    christiele Active Member

    QAR, LLC. According to google. Asset recovery firm - debt buyers. According some internet sites, a nasty agency that engages in illegal, fraudulent activities. But, who knows what to believe. My guess is that they are trying to get a quick payday.

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