Question about Colllections

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by militaryho, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. militaryho

    militaryho New Member

    I filled Bankruptcy about 4 years ago and have been perfect since and my scores are roughly back up to the mid 600s.

    Now, my question to you all is this, of the collections accounts that I have on my credit reports, that I did not know I could include in my bankruptcy, should I contact those agencies to set-up a repayment schedule or just let them fall off.

    In addition to this question is, can collections agency redate an old collection to make it current so it does not drop off my credit report?

    I really have a lot more questions but this is my biggest concern. I think it would be better to wait until these accounts fall off my report since it will be around the same time my BK falls off. Thanks in advance.
  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    Have those collection agencies ever contacted you? If not, let sleeping dogs lie. How old are those debts? Depending on the state you live in, the statute of limitations on legally forcing you to pay up might well be over. Google statute of limitations and go to your state. Sure, they can hassle you, but legally they can't come after you anymore.
  3. militaryho

    militaryho New Member

    The credit agency that I am talking about has contacted me after about two years of nothing. I did ignore it but does the limitation start over when they get in contact with you again?
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    No, the Statute of Limitations (SOL) runs from the date you went delinquent. However, depending upon the state, a payment or even a promise to pay may restart the SOL.

    So, first, find the SOL for your state and then we can figure out what to do.
  5. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    You filed Bk and didnt know if you could put them on your BK?
    Did you use an attorney?
    Doesn't make any sense, this is what you filed BK for to get rid of ALL debts that you can.
    If you used an attorney they should have reviewed this with you. What is the use of filing BK if you didnt really get a fresh start?
    Also, very, very important that you keep a solid clean report after the Bk.
    You need to look at each of those you left off the BK and look at the DOLA, if the BK is already 4 years old and they were before that more then likely they are out of SOL ( depends on your state ).
    They still will report for 3 more years but those out of SOL would be hard to collect on.
    Guess the only issue I have with this is if they sell or send them to a CA to collect on then you will get a second or third baddie TL showing along with the OC too.
    Can I ask why you didnt include all of your debt in BK?
    Also, go back and look and make sure they were not on your BK and just have not been updated to show IIB.
  6. militaryho

    militaryho New Member

    Yes I did use an attorney and I guess he didn't pull a report for me as far as the collection accounts.

    I lived in California when I had one of the collections and before that Alaska.
    Alaska's SOL is 6 years and California is 4.

    One of the collections is showing as opened in Sep 2001, one is Oct 2002, another one is Nov 2002. Since I am in the military does it count for where I was or where I am for the SOL. One of those is for Key Bank so is it the SOL for the state that had that account open?

    My Dishnetwork is showing as a collection but that was automatically taken out of my Checking account at the time and it was because I closed my account out with them before my contract ended, so I don't get that one.

    Anyway, when I get back for trick or treating with the kids I will look at this again more closely.

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