question about sherman

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mommyof3, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member


    My husband sent a dv letter to Sherman Acq. They have not sent a response. They still have 13 days left. Meanwhile, he disputed the acct with CRA. I just checked his PG and they have updated Sherman. Can they do that? I didn't think they could verify or discuss the acct when it was under dispute. In addition, I have been told that Sherman is not licensed here in FL. Can anybody advise me on what to do about this?

    As always, grateful for your advice.
  2. Lovely

    Lovely Member

    I would like to chime in on this discussion as well... I am having sherman and CRA problems too...
  3. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member

  4. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Sherman is owned or operated by the Alegis group.
    I have had dealings with them and they never respond. No they are not allowed to update your report during the 30 day validation period this is considered continued collection activity.
    Did they put a statement in the CRA that the debt is in dispute if not another you have 2 violations. and if they do not validate you will have three.. These guys and most CA do not take us seriously until they are surved with a summon.. They hear all kinda threats all day long. BUT once they revieve a summons things change.. Get them into court either small claims or federal and collect your $3000.00.. fed court is unlimited damages punitive etc. just depends on how much grief you want to give them. Always always remember its not the debt forget about that its the violations of the law FDCP & FCRA that they have committed in an attempt to collect the ALLEGED debt. And just so you know a copy of the alleged debt is not considered validation(won't hold up in court) but who cares when you take them there you are looking at their violations the debt has notheing to do with it but how they violated the law in attempting to collect. When you win you will make a settlement agreement blocking futher collection attemps this is in writing and even if they do not show for court you will win defalt judge send a copy of that to the CRA and they will remove if not they will be in contempt and that is a whole nother matter..
  5. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member

    Hi, Mikemi,

    Thanks for your response and info. I appreciate it. Neither Sherman or any other company I've disputed have ever marked this acct in dispute. So I guess there are a lot of violations going on. You know, what I don't get is if Alegis is Sherman and Sherman is not licensed in Florida, then how come Alegis is licensed in Florida??? I don't see how they can get away with that when Sherman is the one they list on your CR.
  6. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member


    I appreciate the bump. What is Sherman doing? Did you ever get validation from them? Because I don't think I've chatted with anyone that has.
  7. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member

    Oh, yeah. They also changed the date of last activity on the CR. The DOLA on OC was 10/99 and they changed it to 10/02. The original debt was $478 and they are saying its $1278. Go figure. These are violations also, right?
  8. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Does not surprise me that is their trend.. Alegis(They are in Illinois) ARROW is one also has about 30 collection companies and they transfer between them when one does not work sooo what you are telling me is SOP for them they change numbers and re-age as well as balances, when you sue you name Alegis as co-defendant.. Forget about the license in FL. If they want to come after you they hire an attorney and I can assure you he or she will be in FL. and licensed.// The idea is to strike first and stop them in their tracks so you Can be the Plaintiff in the case. The most you get from not having a license is a complaint filed with the attorney general and then only he takes action and any funds go to the state. If you want help and want a credit course that works to learn and I mean learn how to fight and win PM me and I will put you in touch with my teacher who is an expert in this field .E-mail help and phone help is free from him at anytime. With-in three days you will know what to do in 60 to 90 days you will have these guys in court. I have been there and believe me there are plenty of people on here that tell you how to do things But do Not teach you how to do it.. Thats the difference.
  9. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Does not surprise me that is their trend.. Alegis(They are in Illinois) ARROW is one also has about 30 collection companies and they transfer between them when one does not work sooo what you are telling me is SOP for them they change numbers and re-age as well as balances, when you sue you name Alegis as co-defendant.. Forget about the license in FL. If they want to come after you they hire an attorney and I can assure you he or she will be in FL. and licensed.// The idea is to strike first and stop them in their tracks so you Can be the Plaintiff in the case. The most you get from not having a license is a complaint filed with the attorney general and then only he takes action and any funds go to the state. If you want help and want a credit course that works to learn and I mean learn how to fight and win PM me and I will put you in touch with my teacher who is an expert in this field .E-mail help and phone help is free from him at anytime. With-in three days you will know hat to do in 60 to 90 days you will have these guys in court. I have been there and believe me there are plenty of people on here that tell you how to do things But do Not teach you how to do it.. Thats the difference.
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    That's the nice part about validation- very few people ever get it from any CA.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    This wouldn't be B.B. would it?
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: question about sherman

    Well would it??????????????????????
  13. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: question about sherman

    Hi, lbrown59,

    Please forgive this as I'm a newbie, I know this is probably a very dumb question, but who is B.B.?

    mikemi, I appreciate the offer. I'm not sure I'm at that point yet. So far, I'm learning as much as I can on this board and documentating everything I can regarding these CAs. I'm holding off to I see if I can get these accounts deleted off through validation first. They do seem to be racking up the violations though.
  14. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Re: Re: question about sherman

    Resepctfully I'd rather not say.. I would not want to jeprodize my opportunity of being a member mentioning other advocates..but would also like to help from my experience only...As I have stated I do not give leagl advice I am not an attorney just things from my own experiences.
  15. mommyof3

    mommyof3 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: question about sherman

    Well, checked hubby's report today and EX is reported Sherman acct as "in dispute, reported by credit subscriber". Uh, okay. None of the others are reported in dispute. Still, no validation. 10 days left! I'm really hoping they will just delete so I don't have to ITS CRA. What are the chances of that? Slim, I'm sure.

    Maybe I'm just too nice to go through this process. I'm just not a very aggressive person. Too timid. Too much of a mommy I guess! Thinking out loud, sorry. LOL.

    Question though, if CRA shows report in dispute, will that effect FICO score?
  16. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Re: Re: question about sherman

    My understand is that it is not included in the score until after the CRA has validated and or the creditor proves to CRA that it is real.
  17. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Re: Re: question about sherman

    My understanding is that it is not included in the score until after the CRA has validated and or the creditor proves to CRA that it is real. So as long as it is disputed it should be ignored by the system such as transfered and unrated....

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