have a student loan that I'm paying back through the Dept of Ed. It's showing up on my credit report with TransUnion twice; one listed as derogatory and the other listed as pays as agreed. I was confused about this so I called Transunion, they told me that they can report for each semester that I complete. Here's the problem; I'm not in school! Transunion/or Dept of Ed has this listed as open as of 2001. I went to college in 1988. So, I disputed this with Transunion. This is the only derogatory/collection item with TransUnion. Here are my questions. 1) Should I also dispute this with the other 2 bureaus, even though they only have it listed once and "pays as agree/never late" ? 2) what are the chances that they will remove this from my credit report since the original loan dates back to 1988? 3) do I want this removed since I'm in good standing with my student loan and it helps increase my credit score? 4) Can they re-age something when the loan is transfered to another company? However, I was in default for a very long time, made payments periodically since the loan was originally opened but have been making payments every month since 2000. I have 12 more payments to go YIPPEE!! BTW - maybe I was lucky BUT 3 items on my credit report that I had already paid to the collection agency have been deleted from my credit report. Disputed after payment. Didn't know I could do that, but read on Yahoo answers that someone else did it, tried it and waalaa! TransUnion 720 Equifax 689 Experian 671