I just got off the phone with Citibank. I had received one of their goofy letters--"You are one of our best customers blah blah blah, how come you aren't using your card, what can we do? Please call this 'special number' and you can 'design your own card'" I went ahead and called the "special number" provided. Of course, he had to switch me to the regular line! Patiently, I explained that 1) I wanted to switch to a different Rewards card without sacrificing my low APR (for the 10th time I was told NO-- if I switch from Driver's Edge (which I no longer need since I used the rebate on a new car this year) I would lose my 7.9 fixed. 2) I was wondering why my limit had not been raised in several years I was told that automatic increases for customers with over 15K limits are "non-existent" without extensive application and credit review. That sounds like baloney. B of A, Amex etc all give me 20K+ lines. Has anybody else heard this? Or do you continue to get automatic increases? I really appreciate any responses.
In the last 6 months I went from $14,000 to $17,500 then I did a $8000 BT at 1.99% and the next day they raised my line to $20,500 both increases were auto with the Quickencard. Good Luck
I get periodic increases, but they're not as big or as frequent as when my limit was lower. It's just under $20K.