Flyingifr, About 10 days ago I filed my written answer to a small claims court summons from Discover Card for $2800. I had to just throw one together, basically a general denial. But anyway, I was wondering if you could tell me how I go about filing an ammended answer ( I have one made up) and then discovery. With regard to discovery do I have to file it with the court first or do I just mail my request to Discover Card''s attorney? Iasked the circuit clerk when I filed my general denial how I go about filing a motion for discovery and she said she had never heard of it..... Any help is greatly appreciated
The Court Rules vary from state to state but you are never wrong serving the Court and the other side at the same time. There are extensive examples of Discovery motions (especially in threads by crowmom) at as well as other very helpful threads. Start there in the "Essentials: section and first read "The Flyingifr Method of Aggressive Credit Repair". Then progress to other threads in Essentials, then read the relevant stickies in teh Credit board.