Question on Other Strategies

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by WGD, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. WGD

    WGD Active Member

    I am reading and following the advice I get here. I really appreciate everyone's participation and input. In addition, I have been researching other strategies to use when addressing credit issues.

    I found John Gliha's many companies and his Debt Elimination techniques, which are very similar to the ones used here, as well as his new Nominee Exchange(patent pending). He claims that this will make you judgement proof and thus undesireable as a debtor to the OC's, CA's and attorneys. Jonh claims to be the father of the debt recovery industry and that most of the letters on teh interenet he originally drafted with a few other's help.

    I am sure that the veterans on this board have seen this before and I would like to know your thoughts about these techniques.

    Also, the CCDN (credit collectors defense network) and their abilities as opposed to hiring a local attorney to do the same work for you.

    I want to start with a program and follow it through to the end and get myself out of the credit business in the future.

    Thanks for any response.
  2. woops

    woops Well-Known Member

    Many people claim many things but often can prove none.

    In my short time here on this board, I have found that no one 'program' fits all. It appears that everyone who comes here took a different path and the way out, although often similar, is never the same.

    In a nutshell, here is the program I am trying to follow;
    Educate myself
    Know my rights and enforce them.
    Pay what I owe, Attack what isn't
    Remain ever grateful for the helpful nature of others (oddly enough this includes not only members of this board but some CA's as well, who were generous enough to accept settlement arrangements, PFD's, and remove items from my credit file when they had no legal requirement to do so.)
  3. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    That sounds like the best summary. Between that and the .sig from Bizwiz41, you should have it all covered.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Lots of people make promises. Promises are cheap. When they don't deliver, you are stuck with the results, which usually means you are both poorer for paying them, and have worse credit for believing them, and you will never recover adequate compensation for their failed promises.

    In the end, managing your credit is part of managing your finances, and you might as well do it yourself. The value of doing it yourself is not just in what you accomplish, but in what you learn, as you will benefit from what you learn for the rest of your life.

    One of the things you may learn, if your path goes that way, is how and when to use professionals, such as attorneys.
  5. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Woops sums it up concisely. The bottom line is Desire, Education and Action. Everyone's situation is a little bit different, and there are always different strategies to use, but the end objective is results.

    In my opinion, these forums are the best source for any education and advice. I also have read, studied and reviewed all of the "packages" out there, and most are just a money making venture for the creator. All of them now say (somewhere in very fine print) that these are all things you can do on your own.

    The absolute best thing you can do is first learn the PROCESS of credit repair, and the basics of financial management. This forum is a great place to learn the process. Then, FOLLOW THE PROCESS! Plan your work, and work your plan, that's it.

    Remember, it is your money, your credit, do not trust it to a "package".
  6. WGD

    WGD Active Member

    Thanks for all of your replies. I have really enjoyed learning how credit works. I was never taught this when I was younger and now find myself needing to know as much as possible.

    Your collective knowledge and results have help tremendously. I will keep reading and learning and sharing my story as it unfolds.

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