Question regarding First Premi

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Beverly, Sep 22, 2000.

  1. Beverly

    Beverly Guest

    Kind of a long story...but here it goes:

    My husband and I applied for and received a First Premier credit card. However, after receiving it we found out that our credit limit would be $250 and that it came with only $50 available credit (we were being charged $200 in fees).

    We then decided to cancel the card. We didn't think paying those kind of fees was acceptable. We cancelled the cards within the 30 day window period. We were told that all fees etc would not be charged and that the account was closed.

    A month later we get another bill from them. They were charging us a late fee. I called them again and explained that we had closed that account. They verified that it was in fact closed and we did not owe anything. They said we just got the bill because we cancelled right around the billing period.

    Now when we just got copies of our credit reports-guess what's on there? First Premier Bank is on our credit report showing as "current". It does not say that the account is closed or has a zero balance.

    Also, we thought that if the cards were cancelled within the 30 days that the account shouldn't even show up on our credit report since a complete billing cycle hadn't even taken place.

    Does anyone have any advise as to what we should do? We are now in the process of going through a mortgage loan and don't want a debt that doesn't in fact exsist showing on our credit report.

    Can we dispute it with the credit bureaus to have the account removed?

    Thanks so much for any help!
  2. Michael

    Michael Guest

    RE: Question regarding First P

    You can dispute it, and should if you think it will adversly affect you.

    You can also place a consumer statement in your credit bureau denying the account, and explain the cercumstances while the dispute is being settled.

    I do however think the best thing is to explain it directly to the bank, or loan company directly when applying, I'm sure they will not question you, and if they do tell them to call first premire

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