I filed a complaint with BBB because after sending 2 CMRRR letters to OC they ignored my requests for verification of the debt they are reporting on my credit report. I finally receive a letter from the OC which states that they are responding to my complaint with BBB regarding the debt and the letter says "Since we no longer own or service this account please contact CA at this number XXX-XXX-XXXX". The collection agency has not reported this on my credit reports so I don't need to contact them. However, I have disputed this account twice with the CRAs and each time it comes back verified. So my question is, if the OC says they don't own or service this account anymore can they still verify my disputes with CRAs?
Not sure why you wouldn't fight this with the CA? I find it easier than OCs. I would send a DV to the CA, most likely they have no proof of it and have to delete. You can also contact the CRA for a procedural request asking them how they verified the dispute? usually they just match your name and address to the database (or something to that effect) and leave it at that.
Sorry, I had to fix my original post...The collection agency has not reported this on my credit reports. It's the OC that has it on my reports. However, the letter they wrote to me states that they had sold the account to CA in 2003 and no longer own or service it. I thought by disputing this with CRAs it would come off easily since OC doesn't own or service account anymore but apparently someone is verifying it or the CRAs are just verifying it on their own. Would handwriting a dispute to the CRAs and sending a copy of the letter from the OC work?
That would be my first move, since you have something from the OC. Also make sure your letter requests how the CRA verified this account since the OC has no records of it.