question regarding verification

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rebecca, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. rebecca

    rebecca Active Member

    Hello all. Thank you again to all who gave me very useful information. I have one more question.

    I have received a bill from a collection agency and on their letter it says all payments are to be made to the original creditor, not them. Can I still send a verification letter to the collection agency or should it be made to the original creditor? Not sure how it works in this instance.

    Anyones helpful hints will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.
  2. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    That sounds like an in house collection agency to me. That really shouldn't make any real difference in my way of thinking. They are still demanding money and are operating under a different name than that of the original creditor. Or at least that's the way your message makes it seem.

    So how they want to get paid or who they want you to pay wouldn't make any difference. A skunk by any other name is still a skunk.

    So what can you lose by sending a demand for validation? Nothing at all.
  3. appylon

    appylon Banned

    If you see a skunk with the name of Tom and one with the name of Mike would they not be different ???
  4. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't.

    If both belong to the species Spilogale pygmaea then they are only different by virtue of individualistic DNA properties.

    The same is true if they both belong to the species Mephitis macroura and the same is true if they both belong to the species Mephitis mephitis.

    The same is true if they both belong to the species Mephitis Sp.

    On the other hand, regardless of which specie they are members of they are also members of the Mustelidae family.

    Now then, the next question that must be resolved is whether the parents of Tom named him Tom or was it a homosapien?

    The question then becomes one of although they both may be members of the Mustelidae family has any interspecie inbreeding or crossbreeding taken place. If there has not been then of course they are more or less purebred Mustelidae.

    If crossbreeding has taken place somewhere along the geneological history then they may be very different.

    But in any case, although each has it's own DNA characteristics they are still Mustelidae which when reduced to the lowest common denominator equates to both of them still being skunks. So, as I said, a skunk by any other name is still a skunk.

    So now the next question that needs to be resolved would be whether or not Tom's parents named him Tom or was it a homosapien? Then what about Mike? Did Mike's parents name him Mike or was it a homosapien? If it was not a homosapien then how did the homosapien learn the names of the two Mustelidae since homosapiens and Mustelidae do not have a common language?

    As Albert Einstein pointed out, it's all a matter of relativity.
  5. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Per the requirements, send the letter to the Collection Agency. Also, to keep the terminology straight, you will be sending a "validation request" to the CA. A "verification" is what is requested from an OC.

    But do not confuse these two, you need to send a Debt Validation Request to maintain the process integrity. See the sample letters if you need a reference form.

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