
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by michelle74, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. michelle74

    michelle74 Active Member

    On my credit report it has the collection items listed and they are not reported to all 3 agencies, some are reported to one or just 2. Now it say's date open 12-2000, balance date 2-2003, date of status 2-2003. For the SOL do I go buy the date open? I am not sure how to figure out which ones are almost at the SOL or not? Thanks.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    When was the last payment made? When does the CRA say it is due to fall off?

    Do you have any idea from your own records, checkbook register, recollection, etc?

    You want to be managing your own financial affairs, not letting your creditors manage it for you. That requires that you keep records, know what your position is, and do that on an ongoing basis from now on.

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