Just got off the phone with Curt at Creditors Interchange. Here's what happened: I owe CCB $1000...the account was sent to them. I've yet to validate the account (something I'll begin as soon as I finish this post). We'd agreed on a settlement 3 weeks ago, and basically he renegged saying "oh, that amount was only good for THAT day...you can only pay in full now." WHATEVER. He then started with the typical insults and tried to make me think he has all this power over me, so I told him to F* off because he lied to me, but before I hung up he told me that the process now would be to secure a judgement, blah blah blah, and that he GUARANTEES that first thing in the morning he'll be on the phone with as well as faxing my employer collecting info if I don't pay him today(to my knowledge he doesn't even know where I work). The thing is that this guy is probably as dumb as he sounds...I want to make sure that he CAN'T contact my employer BEFORE he secures a judgement on me. I know he said he's only going to be "collecting info" and "starting the paperwork" on it...something I'm sure he says to everybody. I just want to make sure and figure out what my next move should be. Any help out there?
Your next move is definitely to send out a validation now. You may want to send it overnight mail. They still have to sign for it that way and it will get there a lot sooner. Also send a cease and desist with it advising him you will only deal with him by mail. As far as ajudgment goes, they have to sue you first. How old is the charge off? Do you have a statute of limitations defense? Next time he tells you he is starting the paperwork, tell him to go ahead, and when he gets a big stack of paperwork, he can roll it up and stick it up his #@#. On second thought, don't do that. LOL
Call his bluff...worse thing is that he actualy files, which I HIGHLY doubt, If not he is in clear violation of the law. Send C&D and validation letters as suggested. Document the time that he called and who you spoke to. This may help you later.
Thanks guys...you rock. I was a step ahead of you on the validation letter...Fed Exed it overnight earlier tonight (PO's close early up here in Boston...go figure). I also instructed my payroll and Human Resources departments NOT to release any information on me without first seeing a court order, just in case he does call Yes, doubtful). I think that was actually the last thing I told this guy I was gonna do before I hung up on him. Gotta keep all bases covered, but he could tell I was calling his bluff. I'm not sure on the SOL in MA...I have to research that. According to what I have, CCB charged off the account in 11/2000, so I'm positive the SOL isn't an issue yet.