I know that a CRA has to mark an item as disputed when you go through them for the validation, but what about when you go to the original creditor? For that matter, collection agencies? I've read the FCRA and can't seem to find what I'm looking for.
This is what you are looking for: § 623. Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies [15 U.S.C. § 1681s- (3) Duty to provide notice of dispute. If the completeness or accuracy of any information furnished by any person to any consumer reporting agency is disputed to such person by a consumer, the person may not furnish the information to any consumer reporting agency without notice that such information is disputed by the consumer.
Collection agencies must report the account is in dispute if you request validation. Original creditors have no such law. CCC's must follow Fair Credit Billing Act, I don't recall if it includes reporting disputes to the CRA's or not.