Quote from Bayhouse post

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by VJ, Apr 2, 2001.

  1. VJ

    VJ Well-Known Member

    "How much difference is there when you look at
    CRA's, banks and ficoland(and the Three Stooges). Curly bumps into Moe,who's throwing a pie at Shemp but Shemp ducks and the poor lady signing her charge card gets hit with the lemon pie...Very funny...to them.Throw in the FTC who in their yearly reports to congress says consumer complaints have risen,alot,we send them out a nice flyer that cost about two cents but we truly feel the best way to lower complaints is to educate our industry with seminars and luncheons(in a far away state?)And the FTC doesn't see a want or need to expand their budget.Fastforward... And our next guestspeaker at the luncheon is...the president of one of the CRAs, calling everyone at the FTC table by their first names in his speech about the importance of less regulation of the industry.
    Well,at least now they will know which fork to use..."

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