rapid rescoring for individuals

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by prideluv, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. prideluv

    prideluv Member

    Has anyone heard of this company. They claim to have rapid rescoring for individuals or families as well as businesses as part of their member's plan. Indivdual member plan is $79 for one year.

    If it is for real, it seem like a small price to pay. Other than them, I havent found anyone that does rapid rescoring except for mortgage companies.


  2. BellyUp

    BellyUp Well-Known Member

    Just like fixing credit yourself, if the information on your report is correct, rapid scoring won't help you.

    You will still need a letter from your creditor saying it is alright to fix or delete that tradeline. The only difference it is done electronically by the Rapid Rescoring company, instead of sending it by mail or computer tape.
  3. prideluv

    prideluv Member

    I am aware of that. I have the documentation already gathered from the OC's. The stupid CRA;s have readged some bad accounts that are actually 6 years old making them seem like they have been open for only a month and missed payments. They also have 4 student loans and a cc as bankrkupt. They are not and the SL are paid in full with no default.
    The thing is, I am trying to buy a mobile home to tide me over for a year or so, and I need to move by the end of OCT. It will take a min of 30-60 days for correct myself and that is IF the CRA's accept the documetation right off the bat.

    Any suggestions.
  4. BellyUp

    BellyUp Well-Known Member

  5. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    Just out of curiosity... since you're planning a mortgage anyway, why not just go with Rapid Rescoring through the mortgage broker? I mean, since they are handling the financing it would make sense to me to have them do it all.

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