Re: Re: Re-aged Chargeoff! 1) "I receive a letter from the Attny Gen. of Ohio saying that if I don't pay it they will sue...blah...blah..." 2) Got the letter from the OC today basically telling me what I know, which is that: "....On 5-7-92 a tape was produced to alert the credit bureaus of this past due amount. We currently send tapes to TU and Equifax. On 6-27-94 the University performed an internal function of 'writing off' the account." You might send a letter to the AG of Ohio, including copies of the above letters, asking whether they actually intended to sue on this clearly past SOL account which was showing on your credit report with a re-aged date, long past the 7 year reporting period. You might want to ensure the SOL was not "tolled" for some reason under Ohio law, such as not residing in Ohio for a number of years. The AG has responsibility for both representing the legal interests of the state, and for seeing that the state as well as businesses in it comply with the law. Was that letter actually from the AG's office, or from a 3rd party collection agency using its name? Did the AG's office give blanket approval for letters to be sent out in its name without actual individual review by one of their attorneys?
Re: Re: Re-aged Chargeoff! Good idea. The letterhead and envelope were addressed with the AG's name and office and their website is where I paid the account. It will be funny though that they collected and may now have to turn around and "convince" the University to clear the record on it.
Re: Re: Re-aged Chargeoff! "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." Compliance with the rule of law is a public good, of benefit to creditor and debtor alike. Jaywalkers and speeders, as well as law abiding pedestrians and drivers, all benefit from following the law.
I've been waiting until I had some free time to type a letter that precisely explains what has happened and what I expect. In the meantime I pulled my TU report through and noticed that the listing for my collection looks like this: Date Opened: June, 1994 Date of Last Activity: Not on Record Date Paid Out: Not on Record Date Closed: August, 2004 I have 10 accounts on file at TU dating back to 1991, some have been closed since 1993 and all of them have a Date of Last Activity except for this one . Coincidentally, this is my only bad account....... So I have to wonder who really is at fault here? I have the letter from the university stating DoLA as 1991/1992, TransUnion's own report doesn't list it, but the report showing it as "Not on Record". It seems as both TU and the school could be liable for damages under the FCRA. The school for not reporting the "Date of Delinquency" and for verifying my dispute, and TU for letting this get back on my report and keeping it there without this information. Am I wrong? Could I go after both of them for FCRA violations?