re-building credit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bbfstang, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. bbfstang

    bbfstang Member

    like alot of other people my foolish younger years have taken its toll..... My credit went to Sh! is my question i just manged to get 2 new credit cards "non-secured" with a limited of $750.00. each one has no fees the other one has 49 dollar annual fee i have another credit card with a 500 limit on it with high fees open in june of this year balance on that card is 375 with a 10.95 monthly fee .i have a car loan not been late in long time .mortagae hasn't been late in the same respect...also is listed as a au on a high credit limit card.which is never late.enough rambling i understand if u use all ur credit balance it will hurt your score but if i leave the 2 new accounts open will that help the debt ratio on my credit score????
  2. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    You should not close any of your credit card at this point. Keep the 2 new cards with little or no balance and pay off the other card's rather small balance as quickly as you can. This will help your debt to available credit ratio, thus raising your score.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You should also try to remove as many old derogatory tradelines as possible providing you also have some positive aged accounts as well.

    In other words, open new lines (at a reasonable rate), keep utilization low, get on more aged, positive accounts as an AU and dispute old derogatory accounts to the extent you have the necessary history to offset their potential deletion.

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