RE: Fix Your Own Credit!

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by bbauer, Apr 20, 2003.

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  1. OnTheBayou

    OnTheBayou Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit

    Just though I'd drop in and say HAPPY EASTER and nice to see everyone in such good spirits. :)
  2. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit

    lol . . .
    sad isn't it? :)

    btw- dave, thanks for the carly song. just one thing. . . why am i so vain? tee hee. ;-)
  3. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Ow

    I most assuredly agree with you that letting it go would be the best thing for all.

    I can imagine that quite well.

    It's easy to see that the popular opinion is going with the one that enjoys the most popularity. So it not only is a thread that started out viciously slamming my opinion but ends up trying to prove to me that the will of the most popular of the two shall always prevail and that if I want to survive I had better take whatever someone more popular than I happens to want to dish out?

    Well, learn this and learn it good.

    Anytime I get slammed I"m going to give back what I get and probably more.

    People don't have to slam others. If they have a problem with what is being said by someone there are other and better ways to handle the situation such as taking it up privately in email or inviting the other fellow into the chat room and trying to resolve each other's differences in that forum.

    Contrary to what so many seem to want to believe I'm
    not about trying to sell my services.

    I just had someone this morning ask me in private email why I thought they ought to buy my services.
    My answer was that if I had to sell them on why they ought to buy my services they didn't need me.

    Here was their next question and my answers.

    How effective is your process compared to Creditnet?
    Is their method at all effective?

    Of course it is. I'm not so egotistical that I think that my way is the only way.
    The advice found on creditnet can be very effective.
    Obviously there are quite a few people who testify to the fact that it worked wonders for them.
    And then there are also quite a few people who testify that it worked to cure at least a part of their problems.
    And then there are quite a few people who testify that it was a horrible failure for them.

    And then there are a lot of people who testify even on creditnet that my methods worked for them.
    What is the real answer then?
    I wish I knew.
    All I can say is that if you believe that I can help you then great.
    If not, so be it.
    Happy Easter.

    Obviously, in private email I have the perfect opportunity to slam Creditnet and the methods taught

    I didn't do that this time and I never do that.

    This isn' t about one kind of method over the other, its only about what is or is not appropriate ways to disagree with the opinions of another.

    It isn't about who is right or wrong anymore, its only about what is right or wrong whether some want to accept that or not.

    What isn't right is slamming others.

    What isn't right is attacking the opinions of others.

    It isn't wrong to disagree with the opinions of another.
    How one goes about doing it can be very wrong.

    In this case the way it was done was very wrong.

    And it was very wrong because it was very inconsiderate.
  4. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Ow

    first of all, Bill,

    slamming others just because they slammed you first, GOES AGAINST EVERYTHING JESUS TAUGHT.
    let's just make that clear. k?

    secondly, nowhere in Butch's original posts did he even mention you. How do you know he wasn't talking about Lexington or Gilha? You sound very defensive, somewhat paranoid, and downright hypocritical now.

    thirdly, at this point, you've lost any respect you might have had with me, and from private emails, from many other people as well.

    lastly, and MOST importantly, Butch's post in NO WAY justifies your rant on Christianity, Buddhism, and American Vets. You've got to be out of your mind to try and justify that.

    you're right, it isn't about popularity. It's about what a egotistical jerk you look like from your posts.
    Like I said before, you need to fire your marketing director, because right now, no one in their right mind would listen to your advice, let alone buy anything from you. you've done more damge with own words than anything Butch or anyone else could have said. (that's assuming Butch's post was even mildly pertaining to you)

    get a grip man. explain all you want, but your posts stand for themselves. and believe me, that's not a good thing right now.
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Ow

    I think Kenny Rogers said it best: Know when to fold 'em. Fold 'em.


    P.S. Bill, everybody knows I love your unorthodox techniques and have learned quite a bit from you, so I may be in a unique position to offer this opinion very impartially: When I read Butch's posting, I didn't think about you at all. In fact, I've always thought of you as someone who's really devoted himself to FDCPA work rather than FCRA stuff (which is why I was surprised to read about the CHOD matter) -- in line with everything you talk about at your web site. Bill, is it possible that you read far more into Butch's excellent posting than he ever intended? You know, there are people on this board I don't like, lol. But when they post, I don't automatically read every one of their sentences within the context of my relationships with them (or lack thereof). I usually just take what they write at face value, understanding that they don't have enough time in their day to think of me everytime they do something. On the other hand, I've fallen victim to that kind of thinking too. Would you grant the possibility that you've done the same? I hope so.
  6. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix You

    So now you want to turn it into a totally religious argument? I don't. Never did.
    Not by name but rather in direct reference to a post I made. I proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    That's easy. Because he used the same exact words I did yesterday
    So be it. As has been said many other times throughout the history of mankind, "if the shoe fits then wear it." Same applies to Butch and his post.
    Didn't know I had any to start off with. I've also gotten a couple of hate emails this morning.
    That is a matter of personal opinion. Obviously you have yours and I have mine. So be it.
    Oh! So now you want to esculate the sad situation even more by name calling? That says a lot for you too. Guess you didn't stop and think about that before you made such an inappropriate comment.
    Now we have the pot calling the kettle black.
    You know what? I really don't care whether they do or not. And after this little rant I think I might have reason to wonder how much credibility you might have left. Of course, I doubt that you really care about that either.
    Well, I know how to fix that too.
    I'm not explaining anything. I'm not trying to explain anything. I'm stating the facts as they provably are.

    I got slammed by Butch and now you are compounding the problem by adding your name calling to it.

    Have a nice day. I'm through with this stupid thread.

    Let the cards fall where they may.
  7. ADiliegro

    ADiliegro Active Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Ow

    Can I respond here? I came to this message board about a month ago looking for advice on my credit. I found a LOT of good advice from a LOT of you guys on here. I really liked it here and thought this was a GREAT site. I left this board because of BBauer and his ways. I couldnt take it.

    I came to THIS post because of a link on another board. Like I said, I came here about a month ago, and IMMEDIATELY was hit with BBauer's self promotion. Not from him personally but from his posts. He has a crafty way of spewing forth his SPAM to the masses on this board. Any idiot can see that he is advertising his business on here and no one is trying to stop it. I wonder if I started advertising MY business here how long it would stay up?

    The fact is, his self promotion is shameless and could very well confuse the people who come here looking for advice that they need. Tried and true methods that can be done on your OWN, not by paying BBauer $400.00 to do it for you. But he is so shameless with his promotion that he cares NOT about those people.

    Anyway, I just had to say what was on my mind. As far as his personal Jihad, well, I AM a Christian and I was always taught to "turn the other cheek". Seems like Bill needs to read the Book a little more and start turning that cheek more often.

    AND, Bill, before you start in on me...just know that I personally think you are an idiot. Your reply to me will not garner a response, because I don't think I will NEED to reply to you. If people on here don't already KNOW you are a sad person, then they WILL know if they read your posts just in this thread. Sorry if I came off as a "harsh" person, but frankly that is how YOU come off.
  8. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix You

    good, I'm glad your through.

    Instead of being a man about this whole issue and apologizing for your obviously religiously inflammatory remarks, you want to get into a debate about it. . .

    i've never thought you should be banned but after your arguments here, I personally feel you need to leave or be booted and I encourage anyone else who's not willing to put up with your religiously insensitive comment express those feelings towards management.
  9. georgiaboy

    georgiaboy Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit!

    Thank you Butch for the invitation to post in your thread.

    "Quote Butch"

    "I'm sure you can think of much more and I encourage you to add them to the list here, if you want to start one."

    Starting a list:

    1. I would not pay any self promoting idiot, whom's site has of yet not been praised by any of its users in this forum to my knowledge.

    2. I would not pay any ignorant person whom thinks that they are the all knowing of credit issues, for not one of us knows all there is to know, that would be like saying you understand each and every of the 1000s of tax laws.

    3. I would not pay any arrogant person who thinks that they can in a fit of rage berate others and then try and excuse there actions by stating that they have a lot invested,,, who cares?

    4. I would not pay any person who would berate anothers religion ,, this is America after all, we are comprised of many different religiions, It is what makes us AMERICA.

    5. I would not pay anyone whom inflicts wounds upon there selfs, and dosnt have the sence to see the blood flowing.

    6. Come to think of it, I wouldnt pay anyone for something that I could do for free.

    I would go on, but id be accused of trashing your thread or something like that.
  10. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit!


    1. I didn't read any inference to you in the initial post, and I think that you are makinghis post more personally directed than he intended.

    I agree with Butch's post inasmuch as the time invested in learning to repair my own credit is time invaluably spent.

    You seem to be a "self made man" of sorts (and I say this with respect for those who live their lives this way). Why would a "self made" approach to credit repair be so appalling to you?

    2. It doesn't matter if Butch mentions Budda on the day Christians celebrate Christ's resurrection.

    Budda is not a "god" because he never claimed to be one. More importantly, Budda is still buried somewhere; Christ is not. And because of that historical fact, anyone should be able to mention whatever world view they wish on any day they wish, as it has no bearing on the truth of history and the role of Jesus Christ in it. I doubt that He would be offended at the mention of Budda today; why should we? He'd probably welcome the comparison between one finding the way and the other being the Way. So, for spiritual import, it is all moot.

    This is absolutely untrue. Original Christian thought is (orthodox) Judaic, as in monotheistic worship of a God separate and above His creation of all matter. Classical Buddism has nothing in common with monotheistic Judaism or early Christianity.

    Classical Buddhism is accepting of every other philosphy except that of monotheism. To state otherwise is a disservice to classical Buddhism and monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam).

    And since this is true, Buddhism cannot take home the "accepting and tolerant religion of the week" award. No worldview can. Why? Because any world view worth it's salt is going to have an exclusive truth claim. In metaphysics, Marc, this would be called reality.

    This is an example of true tolerance and acceptance, right?
  11. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit!

    Just to clear up a confusion;

    I didn't mention Budha, Peck did.

    I did think it was appropriate with regard to credit correction.

  13. pnwman

    pnwman Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit!


    Respectfully, I think you owe both Creditnet and Butch an apology. I am not sure what set off your tirade but there was nothing in the first post to justify your response. It is time to be a man and own up to your mistake.
  14. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Fix Your Own Credit!

    Wow, I had a nice barbecue with my family, gathered Easter Eggs with all the neighborhood kids (the choco was pretty gruesome in the end), went down and spent an hour just skipping stones in the lake, and just simply enjoyed the beautiful day I woke up too.

    Now thats what life is about.
  15. smontoya5

    smontoya5 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit!

    Stop deflecting the blame, BBauer. There have been numerous posts here in addition to my own stating that there was NOTHING posted on Cnet that could possibly justify the reaction you gave.

    For you to stoop so low and bring Butch's mother into the "argument" is reprehensible.

    Playground tactics.
  16. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit!

    Since the thread in whichI complained to Steve about BB's slanderous remarks is closed to further comment, I will take ths opportunity to comment about the belated removal of BB fom CN.

    Steve had obviously missed the point that the slanderous comments misdirected at ME, were still slander and should not have been tolerated at all for a moment.

    I only hope that the damage that was done by allowing this festering infection to linger as long as it has, will eventually heal and allow CN to resume it's position among the helpful forums on the internet.
  17. CCN steve

    CCN steve Moderator

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit

    Why Chat, although I cannot publicly discuss other members, I will say that bbauer's ban was certainly not the result of his singular interaction with you. In our amicable email exchange last week, I mentioned why I closed the other thread. Although that public thread seemed to require no further action, if you would like me to reopen it for whatever reason, just let me know.

    We DIDN'T tolerate that for a moment, and you'll note that he ceased intimating that you were the webmaster of Cardreport immediately. During the intervening month I saw nothing posted publicly regarding this matter, neither did I ever hear from the other webmaster despite your having said we would. Regardless, I contacted you last week to confirm that things between you were resolved, and you thanked me in return. I thought the matter was concluded until I read this public posting.

    For the record, Creditnet's interactions with bbauer spanned many months and years. I regret that you feel responsible for his re-ban.

    CCN steve
  18. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit

    You misunderstand my post, I certainly appreciated your closing the thread in which he defamed the webmaster of cardreport.I also appreciate your follow up e-mail to which I responded that since I had him on "ignore" I would have no knowledge of anything he said.

    I certainly do not consider my situation (actually the cardreport's webmaster's situation) as the "reason" for his finally being removed from CN.

    My point was simply that I considered it an error in your judgment to allow ANYONE who defames ANYONE with scurrilous slanderous language to remain on CN.

    In my experience, (and I am probably old enough to be your grandparent) once you give someone the idea that all they will get is a slap on the wrist for bad behavior,they will continue on to poison the atmosphere with even more bad behavior.

    Perhaps in the future,you will limit "2nd chances" to those who do not overstep the reasonable grounds of common decency.
  19. CCN steve

    CCN steve Moderator

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Ow

    Why Chat, despite your parochial tone, we're satisfied with the action taken regarding the other Creditnet member. Unfortunately, however, my email is running about three-to-one objecting to the ban, which suggests that any action taken here is guaranteed to make somebody pretty angry.

    CCN steve
  20. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fix Your Own Credit

    Why Chat you're right.

    But I might add that moderating this board can be tough sometimes. I know, I've been there. :)

    When we compare what Bill's advice would have been worth if we just could've gotten him focused in the right direction he could have been a good asset. As I said elsewhere tho, he wasn't here to help but to sell, and sometimes it takes time for that to become revealed.

    In deference to Steve I'm glad he struggled with this decision, and I can tell that he did. It wasn't just a willy nilly "Gee I think I'll re-ban Bauer today". We wouldn't want someone who makes decisions like that to be running this board. It was hard, VERY hard so naturally it took awhile.

    There really is 2 sides to this story that needs to be considered.

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