RE: Which is the easiest cc to get?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ccredit, Sep 18, 2004.

  1. ccredit

    ccredit Member

    There are alot of cards posted on this site. Say my mid-score is approx. 596. Who would be fastest and easiest to start re-building credit?
  2. mommyauri

    mommyauri Member

    I'd tell you to forget those cards, but many banks offer secured credit cards- this means you pay 300.00 and you have a 300.00 spending limit. I think you get that back, not entirely sure how those work. Some store credit cards are fairly easy to get. My husband got his first cc from Macy's. Also, anyone advertising to college students (people who likely don't have ANY credit) may be the type willing to take some sort of risk. Anyhow, I find if you're trying to build back up from something like a bankruptcy you'll probably have to go with one of those cards put out by Providian or the likes that you pay an annual fee for. Avoid those if you can. Keep your limit low, so not tempting to spend too much. Also, I hear that if you carry a balance on it now and again that helps establish credit better than paying off in full all the time- but you do rack up interest so that's your call.

    Hope this helps.


    P.S. You also don't want to have your limits maxed out- don't carry a balance that is much more than half your limit. Also, be careful who you apply to and how many times- since inquiries can be bad, too.
  3. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    They say target guest is an easy one to get.

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