Read This Experts!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shport, May 27, 2002.

  1. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    Here's the deal.

    I have a VISA account, with Company A, that was opened on 7/1994. I honestly don't know what I did with the account since 7/1994.

    Fast forward to March of this year, the account shows up on my CRs. I've had it removed from TU and EX. EQ continues to verify as "CLOSED BY CONSUMER; PAID ACCOUNT/ZERO BALANCE". Date of last activity shows as 2/02. Late pays are 90+-23 times.

    I don't understand how an account I haven't used in over seven years suddenly pops up on my report. How is it 90+ late 23 times? How can the CR verify this account?

    What is my next step? This account is mine but the information being reported to the CR is incorrect. What letter do I send? What do I do to remove? Any help would be appreciated.

  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Make them verify the dates late, shawn, it's not accurate or complete reporting without them.

    Hmmmmmm, or you can fire off Doc's dandy nutcase letter.

    Hmmmmmm, or you can request the specific procedures used to verify by the CRA and nab them on some violations from there.

    Hmmmmmm, or you can request verification OC validation and they'd have to cease all collection activity, LOL, on a paid account, but that includes verifying with the CRA's until it is provided.

    The date of last activity is definately wrong, you could challenge them on that, as a 1994 account would have been removed in 2001 -- someone effectively re-aged that tradeline. Can't continue to report any baddies (as George calls them) after 7 years.

    I'm rambling, it's late, you've violations already, one of the board's big dogs will step up and let you know what would be the most effective; you've lots of options.

  3. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    I'm not an expert, but I play one on the Internet.

    That segues to the next part: Don't think you have to send a special letter with some magic, technical, expert language to get results. The law-- supposedly-- protects the common consumer, so play it like one.

    Just lay out the facts, make some sense, keep it brief, and keep copies of all correspondence. Let us know what happens at every step.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member


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