reaffirmed debt/revolving account ??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bjsouth, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. bjsouth

    bjsouth Active Member

    We filed bankruptcy 4 1/2 years ago. My husband reaffirmed a tool account he had. We paid that account off about a year after that. Then moved and he needed to update his tools again. So he signed a new purchase contract. Only thing is they are using the same account number. I have been busting my tail to get our credit scores up. I got 4 collections removed from his plus a 2nd mortgage. According to the mortgage rep on his end the score only went up 10 points.

    Today I pull the credit reports again to fine tune more. I notice his tool account says reaffirmation of debt still. Could this be hurting his score? The current date is 9/2006. So to me it looks like we are still in the reaffirm agreement.

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