Did anyone think to check your total credit accounts? I thought I was getting bumpage on EQ, and I was, but I was also losing my older credit accounts as they made room for their soft inquiries. That is another whole lawsuit story.... Just check and make sure you still have all of the accounts your should have.
I had the same thing on Equifax...I lost some older accounts. Stuff paid off like 4-5 years ago. Never got that with TransUnion though. I have a spreadsheet with all accounts and inquiries and saw them drop off Equifax. Weird thing tho, one of the accounts with Equifax that dropped off is still being updated and it comes back each month and causes more bumpage.
40 total tradelines 77 inquiries + 2 more today (TU & WK) 10 total pages That seems awfully long. When will mine start??????
Wow. TU must be a mess. I haven't checked this report in like 3 months and all softs are gone and a few hard. I didn't do anything. Nothing new on the report.
For those of you that can't be validated on worthknowing reports, take heart! Set up an account on worthknowing.com. When it says it can't validate your information, ding ding ding "you win." That is all it takes to get that soft inquiry recorded on TU. My husband and I neither one can get validated. I have no idea why. Don't bother with deleting your info each time. Just enter the info once making sure that something is incorrect. You are then set to log on everyday and be denied validation. It takes me about 30 seconds to do mine and my husbands reports. Also, I experience bumpage for the first time today. One hard and one soft gone! I am now encouraged! No, I was no pulling a TU report every day, just worthknowing. I don't want that TU well to run dry! I might need it in the future!
bumpage happened for hubby and me after we accumulated over 90 inquiries total. (Hard and Softs combined). Only happened on Thursdays
We don't need any homeland security agency, ect. Just let the Creditnetters loose on the terrorists of the world and we'll show them! There is so much creativity and can do spirit on this board.! Great idea LisaMc!
LisaMc: If you do that with worthknowing (dot) com, and you try to validate the info more than once per day, does TU only count 1?
WOW! I HAVE MY OWN TRICK!!!! I wish I could say that after much thought and research I came up with this trick, but I'm afraid it was not a real brain child for me. We are just unvalidatable (is that a word?) and I noticed that it recorded a soft inquiry anyway. From my experience, it is only good for one line item per day. It is just a time saver trick!
If you do more than one WorthKnowing a day the duplicates each day will be deleted the next time your record at TU gets updated. Also, as of 10/22 TU stopped saving their own lookups. Each "TRANS UNION SCORE" that is added to your report will delete the previous one. So there is no need to run TU each and every day any longer. Either run your worthknowing or attempt to and fail validation each day, as far as TU is concerened an attempt is the same as actually getting the report. Inquiries drop off just like Equifax, starting from the oldest and the same types: Only the soft you generated (either TU or WK) and all the listings in the hard section. I have never had any unknown results from TU and I have had bumpage each week since 9/19 (My report updates on Thursdays).
So Jon, in your opinion, bumpage is not a mystery. It has held to the same principals since you began on 9/19. The only difference among individuals would be when the bumpage begins? Is this correct? I got my first bumpage this week. Does that mean that I will continue to get it if I pull worthknowing each day?
Can't guarantee it of course. But it has never failed for me or my wife's report. They roll off just as expected. And whenever promo requests come in they help bumpage. I have no idea how to figure out how many inquiries you need before it starts. I have more tradelines than my wife but I always have more inquiries as well. Mine hovers around 114 after the Thursday update while wife's stays near 90 or so.
Lisa Keep pulling WK once a day and it will continue. Me and hubby are both down to zero hards. Don't pull multiple WK's in one day though as it could actually slow down the bumpage process. It is hard to explain, but bumpage goes in order by date-oldest to newest. I know when you look at a report you can only see the month and year. If you click on save report, you can look at the actual dates on Acrobat Reader. So for example if you have 15 WK pulls on 11-5-02 and a hard on 11-6-02. It has to go through deleting all the 11-5-02 before it gets to the 11-6-02 hard. I am hoping that I am making some sense explaining how it works.
Christi, I am slowly narrowing this all down. 1. When bumpage starts, will it continue on the course you listed? 2. Is it a one for one deletion? For example, if you rack up 3 more softs over a period of 3 days, will it delete 3 of the old listings?
What if you have already been validated? Do I delete my account and set-up a new account with wrong information and then just log in every day? Hawg Hanner