I don't know about this. You are probably going to have to delete the one you have and start over with a new one (with an error of course).
Lisa, I haven't had to pull everyday anymore. I only pull when I have dispute results due with TU. When I was getting bumpage, I only pulled one TU and one WK daily. I was close to 90 inqs before bumpage started. I think I was losing close to twenty each week. I never really counted the exact number of inqs. My report updated on Thursdays. When I pulled several WK's daily, I noticed no hards getting deleted since the hards were more recent and it had to go through deleting the multiple WK's. When I stopped pulling so much, I went back to getting the hards deleted. Hawg, Pull WK and when done, click on my account, sroll down to bottom and delete account. Next day- repeat.
But why are you pulling a TU and a WK? Are you doing that to encourage bumpage sooner rather than later? Hawg Hanner
Hawg, If you read this post, it seems that pulling TU will not work anymore as for as creating softs. I really don't have it down to a science. But it seems you need to get to a certain number to get the bumpage started. Now once you get to that magical number, pulling WK just once a day will result in bumpage for you. It does happen eventually so you will have to be patient.
Now that we only have worthknowing to create those much needed soft inquiries, it could really take a long time. I think I have my inquiries plotted out, by day, in Excel now (thanks to Christie who knew that Acrobat would give you the real dates). It is going to take 37 days for me to get to my next hard inquiry. My report updated last night, and according to my analysis, my first hard fell off exactly when I would have projected it to be deleted. I have both my report and my hubby's turned off for promotional inquiries. I am really sorry about this now, because I would appreciate all the help I can get! How do you get that turned back on to allow those promos to fill your mailbox once again? Anyone who knows will win a prize! Just kidding! Lisa
Lisa, I read a thread here that said you call the same # to put a promotional block, and it will offer an option to unblock it.
Tnobles, so this is not something you do through TU? I call that 1-800-opt out # instead? I wonder how long it will take to get that going again? I really don't want the junk mail. I just want some help with the old bumpage!
Someone explain to me about Eloan. Do you fill out an actual application online? How is this not a hard inquiry? I keep seeing people post their eloan score, and I don't see how they score it without pulling a hard.
That is what someone, I believe maybe George or Butch said in a post before (if it was not one of you don't scream at me) Someone here said that.
I just tried that number. 1-888-5OPTOUT. It does give you the ability to "OPT-IN". Funny thing though...at the end of the call it say that it will take about 5 business days and tells you all of this stuff about the fact that you have just "OPTed-OUT. Guess I will have to wait and see what happens.
Does that mean Eloan inquiries are "softs"? Also, how are you able TU "softs" online? All I see are the hards from the TU website.
Jon, You are right regarding TU pulls deleting the previous days pull...I haven't had a TU pull stay on since 10/15/02., however I have been pulling a Worthknowing report in the am & pm for both myself & wife and they haven't deleted any of those duplicates! I have been doing this for quite some time now..due for "bumpage" this w/e, which should get rid of the last 4 hards.
When I lost 11 hard ones first week and 9 next week, I had 93 soft enquiries including AR, PRM ETC.. I am not sure if TU Consumer relations count for fico/fako.
re:E Loan If you go to their site, you'll find you can get your "free score" & "free report" They also have a monitoring service for $79.95 yr, it checks your score once per month & notifies you of changes. It shows as a soft. You don't need to fill out a "loan App"
Sarge, When I look at my report, the inquiries are divided into three sections. The top section is the Hard inquiries, the next section seems to be the Promo section, and the third section is the soft section.