Really confused...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, May 27, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Well, you guys know how I was waiting for the results of that investigation yesterday, right? I checked last night around 9:00 p.m. and it was still showing as an open investigation. Nothing had changed, and yet my FICO jumped from 647 to 662 for no apparent reason.

    I thought that was swell and proceeded to apply for a Sears Gold Mastercard and I think one other. I *still* cannot get instant approval and suspect I'm not going to get approval at all. Should I just give up and no apply for anything for six months? I'm in purgatory here...subprime purgatory with a 662 FICO (okay...its not that high, but it is in prime territory).

  2. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    I think many cards consider 670 and above to be the magic number. If you keep applying for stuff before you reach that point you may be locking yourself in, even if you get approved, of less than desireable terms. Stop applying and simply let the aging of accounts and pay-downs of debt bring you up past 670 and then try again.
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Mist! I jumped the gun on this then. Patience is not my biggest

  4. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    If you get the results of the investigation and the item is deleted, and if you get denied for the sears card, call sears up in a few days and say something like
    " I applied for your card and was denied, I checked my credit report to see if there was a problem and noticed a inaccurate account on my report. I called the creditor right away and they said they where sorry and would remove it imediatley. In light of this could you please reconsider my application."
    My sister did this with MBNA and they approved her after pulling another soft inq. to check that it was really gone.
    Like Mist said though, also check your score.
  5. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member


    My scores are all over 700, and I always have to verify something or the other when I apply online. I applied for a Discover Platinum on Sat. I was told that my application needed further processing. I definitely have the scores and income to get the card. I just, for whatever reason, am not eligible for instant, online approval.

    Must be a conspiracy!

  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thanks, guys! I guess they will come eventually if I just have some patience. I don't know what my problem is...its not like I *need* the credit. I just don't like being told I can't have it. What do you make of that, Doc? I'm sure there's a name for

  7. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Thanks Lizardking!

    It just drive me nuts--I am counting on this 0% balance transfer offer for the summer. My Citi one is about to expire, I leave my job on Friday, and I am studying for the bar exam, so I need 0% interest for my one balance!

  8. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    This is what I mean.....LK, what does this mean? If the phone number listed with the CRA has an old area code does instant approval want the old area code or the new, or does it care?
  9. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Maybe just put the old area code in for instant approval and then when the card comes, call them and update the area code.
  10. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Solzy, I did actually get an instant approval with the same info and we have a new area code (not enforced for a year, so both 716 and 585 works right now). 585 is the new one and I used it and Target approved me for the retail card and then several weeks later, I applied for and received instant approval for their Visa. I believe my credit report is showing the 716 area code.

  11. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    I wish I had confirmation from anybody but target. target is mikey. target will instant approve *anybody*.

    Mandy, that's the question. The only reason I don't do it is if 1) the old area code actually will mess up a database search (eg, vs zip code), but really its more about b) if I don't get the instant online and a CSR tries to call me at the old area code .......
  12. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Thanks. That's EXACTLY what I wanted to know....I assume this means use the NEW area code.
  13. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    dude, don't settle....your case was too good.

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