I am about to have a heart attack I am so ticked off. We recently moved and I had never recieved a phone bill. I called Bell South to see why I had no gotten a bill and they had my change of address as "694 my husbands name". So, I asked for them to send me another bill as I was not going to give them money without seeing the charges first. Well guess what? THOSE ARSES SENT ME THE BILL ON JUNE 12 AND SENT IT TO COLLECTIONS ON JUNE 13. The bills due date was May 22nd. I didn't even get the bill until the 17th the SAME day I got the collection letter. Can they do this? It was 2 WEEKS past due!
In-house collections? or referred outside? I don't think that referring an account to collections only after two weeks late is uncommon now (thanks to the economy). My neighbor could not get a week's extention on $20 on a $200 bill...
Outside collection. Thier reason... they did not have a change of address for me (which I did give them when I called to disconnect). The woman from Bell South claimed that this is standard when they do not have somewhere to send the final bill. I find this very disturbing, I am sure I gave them the address and I will be DAMNED if this ends up on my report, when it is their error. There should be a law protecting me here.
Request for Validation worked for me in a similar situation with Sprint. But it had been a couple of years. -Cliff
I had something like this happen to me. I sent them a letter PFB. They got back to me w/in the week. Everyone was very nice and I got it all fixed in no time.