Reason Codes..PUHLEASE!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Jan 31, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    THIS IS TOO MUCH, Hubby has a 654 with 1 paid CA and 2-30 day late pays.

    â?¢ Presence of derogatory information (such as collection, charge-off, or bankruptcy) on your credit profile
    Ok I'll give them that one
    â?¢ The average length of time since your accounts were opened is less than five years
    Uh 3 out of 5 accounts are 5yrs old or more
    â?¢ The total number of your accounts that are presently being paid on time is less than the average in your credit category
    ALL of his accounts are being paid on time, the last late pay was 1998
    â?¢ The outstanding balances on your revolving accounts are greater than the average in your credit category
    This one is my favorite, his avaliable credit is 94% only 6% used

    Here I'm thinking I may have at least the reason codes figured out, then I see this crap...
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Here is how that works::::
    Say he has 4 accounts and pays all of them on time.
    Now 10 other people have 10 accounts each and each person is paying 5 of theirs on time.==
    == Each of the other 10 are paying 5 accounts on time
    Poor ole Hubby is only paying 4 so that puts him at the bottomof the scale.
    ...Here we have 11 payers
    I0 are paying 5 accounts on time ,but 1 is only paying 4 accounts on time.
    Guess who's the bad guy.
  3. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    My fiances has balances totaling $499 on his experian report, and he has this reason too!
  4. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    One of the reasons on my TU report is something to the effect of I have too high a balance on my clothing store card in proportion to the limit.

    I have 1 card - $500 limit - haven't used the card in 3 years or longer and have had a zero balance for over 3 years.

    Makes sense, yes?


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    My WAL*MART store card is at 100% because it has NO PAYMENTS, NO INTEREST for 3 months...WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULDN'T MAX IT OUT???

    I got something like use of "RETAIL" cards too high...I'm at 29% when you add SEARS store card...
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You need to pay a 1000 dollars on it to lower your ratio !

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