Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jason1971, Feb 14, 2003.

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  1. cyana

    cyana Well-Known Member

    Jason -So let's get the sequence you found to be effective straight: One, call to dispute items that are supposed to be included in bk. Two, CRA sends you dispute forms. Return them CRRR.

    What I am not clear on is the initial phone call. Do you give the CRA's your bk case number? When you send the dispute letters back, I assume you list the accts that should have been included bk. Did you send the CRA's a copy of your discharge? I was just going to edit a one of "Dispute" example form letters, list the items that were to be included in bk, and send a copy of my discharge paper. I was not going to call the CRA's at all. If there is an easier way to accomplish this without sending CRA's copies of my bk discharge I'm interested.
  2. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    Cyana, the determining factor will be a combo of FICO/Utilization. In this case, it is higher/lower. If you have never had a providian card before, then you'll probably start between 500-1000 initial CL. For example, my wife sent in a pre-approved plat offer (Up to 7500 and only got initial 700CL.
  3. handr

    handr Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you have had done quite well, But before you call them are send them anything you should dispute the ones that don't say included in bk as (not mine). I have done this and had a number of them deleted all together. I would think this would be better then having it say included in bk. When you call them all your doing is verifying that the debt is in fact yours. This does take longer but it will pay in the long run, And one more thing if you get all the negatives off you can go ahead and try to get rid of the bk all together. Someone can tell me if im wrong....
  4. cyana

    cyana Well-Known Member

    handr - first of all I agree that the "normal advice" is never to "validate" your debt by sending any BK paperwork of any type. Just how effective did you find the strategy of disputing the items not listed as "included in bk" as "not mine" to be? I have already been put through h*** by a nasty divorce which caused my bk (my ex had our car repo-ed, we were being sued by the owners of the complex in which I *allegedly* co-signed a "rental agreement" - ex abandoned the business in early April02 to go on on a two week European honeymoon, [remarried late March 02], is being supported by his wife, i.e. not working, refused to divide the marital debt that was mostly his) and I'm just tired of doing battle. I don't have the energy to go round and round with CRA's disputing as "not mind"). Not a criticism of your strategy, though. Grin.

    I need to sell my house when my son graduates from HS next June; since it will less than two years post bk, unless I can do an FHA loan (sometimes they do loans under certain circumstances less than two years after bk) I will have to go through a subprime lender than convert the loan to FHA/conventional when the two years has passed. My goal was just to find the most effective strategy of moving the items that were not listed in my bk to "included in bk" which will have potential in improving my FICO scores. My current scores are (from most to least "incorrect entries" as of 2/7/03) are EQ 584 (FICO), TU 631 (FICO) and EXP (FAKO?) 633. I expected much worse.

    Brad J - I applied on-line today for the Providian Platinum Visa. I should get something by email or by snail mail in 1-2 weeks. I received my AP Bank application in the mail yesterday and will start filling out tomorrow. Will have to have a copy made of my Disability income stubs though to send with the app.
  5. jheitert

    jheitert Member

    Jason 1971:

    If you ever want to do credit repair, DO NOT tell them something should be "incl in BK" This admits to your bankruptcy, and will make it extremely difficult to dispute off, as as well as any BK tradelines. Especially DO NOT send them any supporting evidence of your bankruptcy. BIG mistake.
  6. cyana

    cyana Well-Known Member


    What would you do then (re: accounts not listed as "included in bk" - apparently a hot issue from the number of recents posts on the subject), keeping in mind I my goal is obtaining the best possible rate when I apply for a new mortgage in less than two years post bk? So I don't have time to play with a lot of different strategies. I've heard FHA loans sometimes can be obtained less than two years post bk and are not score driven; however, I want the best possible score in case I have to go subprime first, then convert to conventional.

    I have to be out of my house next June (terms of divorce decree). I know one quick way is disputing the accounts that were not included in the bk to included in bk (bk while still a bad tradeline looks better than a variation such as "charge off or "paid collection). These are the accounts that are showing up on my recent credit reports, two months post bk, and are accounts that never went to "charge off" and I never had a "paid collection" - never paid any creditor a dime. And I am applying for fresh credit so I expect my scores to drop and then go back up as I start paying the new credit card bills.
  7. Touchdown

    Touchdown Well-Known Member

    I would also strongly advise AGAINST doing this first. The first course of action I would think would be to dispute the tradeline as NOT MINE. You may be able to get it deleted all together.
  8. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    I completely disagree with not saying "included in bk" on an item in your credit report that was included in bk! I could actually go on and on for pages why on this one but it's just common sense. When you dispute an item and they don't respond within 30 days and then getting it deleted is the only way that should be done. It is VERY risky to do it the other way and yes it will work more times than not. When you have a bankruptcy, it will show as a public record on your credit report just like judgements and etc. Overall to get the whole thing done you would need to get "every" item that is truly negative off of your report and then try to get a Bankruptcy which is a public record with a case number off of the report also. It is NOT realistic on all 3 reports!!! Make sure you get every item that shows that you owe a balance that you don't to say "included in bk". It will in the long run give you a $0 balance, it should say "included in b.k" and that is the best legal way to protect yourself. My FICO personally went from 400's to 664 in less than six months and I have like 25 accounts that either got deleted from them not responding or it says $0 balance and "included in b.k". I know the other way works to but if you get caught good luck with them trying to work with you in the future. Everything wiped out in the long run with all the ping-pong on all 3 reports is not worth the extra 5-10% in FICO points. Is it a good idea if you get away with it? Yes, It's really not worth the risk though, a Bankruptcy is a public record that is almost impossible to just simply erase. If you really want to be slick just start a new credit report with a different social security number. I'm sure someone will tell us were all wrong and the best way to do it is to get a new credit file all-together LOL!!! The funny thing is that people actually tell you how to do this and charge $$$. Personally I had my discharge in December 2001 and my FICO will be in the low 700's in a few months and it was in the 400's less than a year ago. I did that using my method for fixing my credit report and now have 8 visa's or mastercards. All the advise here is GREAT and if you disagree with me thats fine because there are several ways and several outcomes possible. I don't claim to be a genius in this subject or anything but if I can help anyone or they can help me bring it on. GOOD LUCK TO ALL rebuilding after Bankruptcy.
  9. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    I was still wondering if anyone has obtained any credit cards lately from smaller banks after a Bankruptcy. The whole credit card world is changing so fast and banks that approved even a few months ago do not offer the same cards they used to, or have changed their policys or went BYE-BYE. Currently This is my "recent" list. Capitol One, Providian, Household Bank or Orchard, Kmart Mastercard, Merrick Bank, First Consumers National Bank? maybe BYE-BYE. Please do not include the dummy cards that add ridiculous fees before you get the card. Good secured credit cards Orchard Bank, American Pacific Bank, Umbrella Bank, Sky-pass from U.S Bank. Does anyone know about Atlantic Federal Coast credit cards or other smaller banks??????????
  10. Touchdown

    Touchdown Well-Known Member


    Thanks for clarifying your point. I see your line of thinking and obvioulsy you've had success doing it.

    In my own situation, I recently put through 5 disputes on TU and EX as NOT MINE, if those come back verified, do you think I'd be able to then go with your method of saying that they should be included in the BK or will they refuse to reinvestigate?
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    NEVER, EVER admit that a derogatory account is yours. If you do admit it, you are stuck with it. This is nothing personal against Jason, but he has been here 1 day and you guys have no idea who he is. He may be a collection agent trying to screw you up. Telling people who have filed bk to admit to the accts and to ask that they be listed as included in bk is the worst advice you can follow.
  12. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Touchdown, if you dispute them as
    "should be included in bk" you can forget about ever getting them off. They see you have a bk by the public record. Even if the creditor doesn't respond, you have verified it, it isn't going to go away.

    Just an FYI - I successfully disputed away every single negative listing and the bk from each of my reports. It can definitely be done. I now have 3 perfect reports with scores in the 700's. Never would have happened if I had admitted they were mine. That just defies logic.
  13. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Touchdown, I really wish you luck and hope everything goes all right. It's kind of tough when you gave the origanal creditor a social security number to apply for the credit in the first place to get the whole thing started when you opened that line of credit. Then that social security number matched your credit report. Now they have that social security number with that account with your credit report matching your social security number. Besides the individual accounts on the credit report(s). Bankruptcy is listed for 10 years on the credit report(s). When you filed Bankruptcy "if you did?" a social security number was also used to get that whole Federal court process started. A credit report is exactly what it is, a report. It's their side of the story first, and then your side of the story next, if there is a dispute, and then 3rd the truth. If the CRA "credit reporting agency" starts siding with the creditors based on the facts, it will be EXTREMEMLY tough to say something like "oh ya, I guess they are my accounts". And then you would need to start the whole process over again after I think 90 days. The CRA also takes disputes in priority and also facts and do not take them on first come first serve basis. Just imagine how many people in america have a credit profile and the percentage of disputes that are not factual that they get daily. And than on top of that trying to get the accounts changed again as "included in b.k" and $0 balance. I look at it personally as creditors side of story, my side of the story, then the truth which will be credit report. Like I said earlier there are several different ways to do it and several different outcomes. I personally took the safe road on that one and am done disputing, it's all behind me now. Bankruptcy is suppose to be a fresh start and to get the past behind and move on. More established good credit + time = FICO points!!! Good Luck to all and whatever works please share.
  14. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    LKH, come on man its not like I'm saying what is your name and I need your social security number, and which accounts did you have, and what were the account numbers, and when did you file B.K? COLLECTION AGENT?????? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!! Like I said there are several different ways to do it and several different outcomes. Some are legal and you can get away with it, some are legal and you will not, some are illegal and you can get away with it, and some are illegal and you will not. Maybe you can get away with it for 7-10 years, maybe not. Just like if someone goes to court, guilty, not guilty, guilty with explanation, or plea bargain. How much evidence and the situation and the overall risk. Never ever admit to a derog? How much money, time, knowledge, and luck does one have? FICO scores are based on SO many things and situations and ones profile. I say take the safe, easy, and quick way get it behind you and move on. My FICO is in the upper 600's right now, and will be in the low 700's in a few months, FOR SURE! LKH, lets just agree to disagree, what works for some will not work with others because they will not know how to do it the right way and will probably get caught. LKH, I don't know you either but good luck for real!!! COLLECTION AGENT LOL LOL LOL!!! PEACE
  15. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Let me add my 20 cents. Never verify anything for the CRA's, the creditors, or anyone. Never ever ever. Let me repeat


    If you don't want to say "not mine" say it this way, "I do not have an account with Big Bad CC Co with a balance of $xxx.00."

    You don't.

    Jason may have a score of 700+, but he cannot get a prime card because he has a bk showing. You can get them off. Not immediately, but you can eventually. And when you do, with NO DEROGS you can get prime cards.

    Don't let your impatience take you down the wrong path, because you will shortchange yourself in the long run. It hard, it's a fight, it is not for sissies, but it can be done, and there are plenty of us here who have done it.
  16. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Jason, I'm afraid I'm with LKH and breeze on this one. Search the site, and you'll find more evidence that supports that position. Good luck to you!

  17. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Jason, I wasn't saying you are a ca. What I was pointing out was that you have not been here yet 1 week and no one knows who you are or what your purpose is. There have been many ca trolls over the past several months purposely giving misinformation. That was my point.

    Again, as for verifying for the cra's - DON'T DO IT!!
  18. handr

    handr Well-Known Member

    Jason, Read nineflies post below yours.
  19. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    So the whole game is to get a clean report again with all the time, money, risk, and by the way outdated information, and lying to get what?????? A prime credit card? Does one actually need a prime credit card within so many years to achieve what?? CRA's are on the start of a crackdown on this stuff with all the money they have been making lately. Who do you think pays the CRA's? If you have credit cards with no annual fee and a grace period what would the A.P.R be? ZERO PERCENT!!! So in that situation what is a prime card? I personally have the visa's and mastercards with no annual fee after Bankruptcy. Just pay off the balances. If you can't pay in full every month, ping pong the debt between the reporting period and the due date on different cards. FHA doesn't even care about Bankruptcy after 2 years, the FICO counts more. Would 11.95% with no annual fee not be considered prime? Because I do have one of those, JUST A THOUGHT!!
  20. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Exactly. And a Fico without all the "included in bk" accts is going to be much higher than one with all the "included in bk" acct.
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