Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jason1971, Feb 14, 2003.

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  1. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    What do you think we do here? Confess? I have never lied about a debt. I have never said, "That's my debt, and it should be reported like this:......." either. I would never say "get a new SSN" It's all in how you say it.

    My troubles are far behind me. I post in these threads to help those are going through it now. Telling someone to admit the debt is theirs is not doing them any good. Even when you're accused of murder you can plead "not guilty." Of course "credit criminals" don't have rights - They didn't pay their bills, they must be punished forever.

  2. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    I disagree completely. So when you apply for a mortgage you have what a 100% chance of them not finding out. No way!!! Do you really think mortgage lenders and CRA's are not on to this? With all the money pouring into the CRA's lately and the rising foreclosures on houses with this economy and the upside down mortgages that foreclose. Mortgage lenders along with others are slowly catching on to protect themselves. Do you think a mortgage lender couldn't look up a public record on a social security number and not discover a Bankruptcy in public records? The more and more people that are going to "delete" true derogs are going to ruin it for everyone else that temporarily got away with it! That's why one should not go that road!!! One last thing alot of people that file for Bankruptcy, don't know the proper way to get EVERYTHING deleted on all 3 reports and will just shoot themselves in the foot. GOOD LUCK TO ALL REBUILDING AFTER BK and please do it the right way. Legit + Legal
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    It looks like most of the people here who know how to do things, disagree with your way. Enough said.
  4. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    My point is people like haywood would screw it up!!! And he came on here for legit advise and called people names WOW. How far do you think is troubles are actually FAR behind months? a year? 2 years? a few or many? How long ago did you actually do this outdated stuff and get away with it and do you actually think you have a 100% get away? I'll tell you what file Bankruptcy in the near future and see if it still works. Check out what the chances are in the near future of the stuff not coming back. And then talk your way out of it again. The CRA's will believe you again I'm sure??
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    What exactly is it you think I got away with? I used the law to my advantage and did NOTHING ILLEGAL. Therefore, I didn't "get away" with anything. Everything I did was by the letter of the law.
  6. CCN steve

    CCN steve Moderator

    Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk

    (troll account disabled; off-topic troll bait and response deleted)
  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    I don't know why you want to tell people things like this, but you are mistaken. How can you come on this board, and after a few days say that everything we do is outdated and wrong and won't work?? Do you have some kind of insider knowledge, cause we've got lots of people here who have done it, are doing it, and it works.

    I can only see a couple of reasons why you would tell people they can't clean up their credit files completely, and the reasons are not very good ones, from our point of view.

    They are "on to this stuff?" they are getting the daylights sued out of them - and settling for DELETIONS because they don't want people to know how sloppy they are, how bad their systems are, and that they don't care if it's right or not, as long as they can sell it.


  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Well ... I must say, for anyone worried about whether or not appropriate corrections will be made when bad advice appears, can rest easy.

  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    This is just the best summary. I love this, and I'm saving it. (And then I'm gonna use it without attribution, lol! . . . j.k.)

    Seriously, this is so right-on, it belongs in everybody's sig, lol: "They don't want people to know how sloppy they are, how bad their systems are, and that they don't care if it's right or not, as long as they can sell it."

  10. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    A long time ago I used to post on this site on a different name and got sick of all the credit card supporters "employees" that bashed people for even having a bad item that they deserved or a Bankruptcy. And got sick of the ones that bashed people like myself who are just trying to help others in bad situations. I wasn't directly saying anyone is doing anything "illegal" but it is possible to do it that way. Anyone that has a passion for this like myself and has a great deal of knowledge knows exactly what i'm talking about. I posted all the time under a different site and name that does not exist anymore. And have helped many, many people like the ones attacking me are. I see now this site isn't what it used to be and these are people looking out for each other more than the "supporters" of the other side. THIS SITE NOW RULES, thank you for making me realize that. I personally help people with Bankruptcy and credit repair all the time and yes I have done deletions myself if they are legit. I guess this is going to come off as mean but here it goes. Alot of people that file Bankruptcy have an I.Q under 100. These people do not have the money or knowledge to understand the correct and upcoming "outdated" methods of pulling this off. They can look at this and think it is easy and step in and battle not prepared or how to handle. I am the one who started this post in the first place and it wasn't specifically posted DELETE ALL CREDIT ITEMS NOW INCLUDING B.K!!! If you wan't to do that go ahead but don't attack me for telling others the 100% legit and morale way to this. I have nothing against anyone personally for the way they have done it, but it is for those that can hold their own and suffer future consequenses if possible. What I am trying to say is that the government stepped in on sub-prime lenders for a reason. That is why cap-one, providian, direct merchants, FCNB, Nextcard and ETC. changed ways or shut down. Have you seen their stocks lately DOWN DOWN DOWN. CRA(s) are now the next step because they are also so screwed up. The government is making steps very lately on these and "Bankruptcy" is done in Federal Court. Do I have insider information??? Watch the future of these tactics and you will see. Rebuild Credit after Bankruptcy the right way from here on in is the right choice "included in B.K" $0 balance. No more disputes and it's behind you and the FICO will rise. Peace to all trying to help, I have nothing against anyone for the tactics they have used. My FICO will be in the low 700's shortly and I used and will continue to use my tactics. Alot of people don't actually know even how FICO rises, there are too many situations to rise it. Please don't bash me again for trying to help others, I know what the future holds for these people with these tactics. Iv'e used them myself and they will not work in the future!!!!!!!!!!
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Why thank you guys. ;) Truth has a ring to it, huh?
  12. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Deleted double accounts and the ones that didn't report back in 30 days!!!!
  13. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Do you people not realize I know this, and CRA(s) are subject to litigation??? HELLO the future of this shortly will change and I have to be the messanger that gets shot? If you got away with these tactics like I have somewhat, GREAT!!! It just isn't advisable to tell others in the near future how to do this. It WILL NOT WORK in the near future. When you file Bankruptcy it is a public record in Federal court SS# will validate it. They are on to this believe me on this one!!! And will change the CRA reports back again and than you will have to dispute all over again with info on which you "disputed" or "wasn't true". Just think how many americans have a credit file and "dispute" daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Nobody was bashing you personally. You posted things that we did not agree with. We posted what we KNOW to be true. Just because we disagree with your way, doesn't mean we were bashing you. I will disagree with your way til the end. It will do nothing but screw up someones report for 7 - 10 years by admitting the accounts belong.
  15. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    I think LKH makes a good point when he draws the distinction between personal bashing and strong disagreement.

    Jason, you seem like a nice guy to me, and I also understand what it's like to feel bad after a message board exchange. What helped me to get past that was to remember a few things (which are actually easy to forget):

    1) Nobody really knows you personally here, so there's no reason to get personally insulted. It's not like your neighbor, who knows you, your family, where you work, perhaps your religion and politics, etc. If he says something with a contemptuous tone of voice, you've got a valid beef -- you deserve to be treated nicely in real life. On the other hand, in this environment, the only way people know you is through the written word. If those words strike somebody as dead wrong, then they're liable to say, "Ok, buddy, you're so wrong it's pitiful!" or the like, lol. Again, they're talking only about the WORDS you wrote, because that's all they've got -- it can't be about you as a guy, as a person, etc.

    2) Even better, we're all just a bunch of nicknames here. Sure, most people tend to pick nicknames that reflect something about their real lives -- "PsychDoc" reflects my academic training; "LKH" may be his initials or perhaps something else that's significant; "breeze" certainly reflects a love of the outdoors or perhaps an easy-going nature or maybe both. However, they're still just anonymous nicknames! I'm basically hiding behind an 8-letter word. So even if somebody doesn't like what I write, and they insult my words, and I somehow forget that this is really only about the words and not about me personally, my true identity is still unrevealed. So I'm doubly protected. On the other hand, you really can't slander my name or reputation because I'm using an anonymous nickname on an anonymous bulletin board. Both of us are protected.

    Ok, enough of this hot air. :) Please remember this if you forget everything else: It's not about you or me; rather, it's ONLY about the words we post. Armed with that, neither of us is as likely to take anything personally!

  16. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    FHA is not a score driven mortgage either. You need collections and chargeoffs and judgments taken care of and in the case of bk 24 months of clean credit .But, a ton of people are posting about gettingFHA financing with really low scores.
  17. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Most of us are aware of what has changed and what has not. It doesn't take long to find out, when you post on these boards. People can no longer just up and walk away from thousands of dollars of consumer debt, and expect to have it written off and sold without a word. The rules have changed in the industry.

    Many people here work in the credit industry, in the legal field, banking, etc, and we read and study daily to keep up.

    Now if you have something specific you can point to that indicates some new FDIC rule or some law about to be passed, or some new system being implemented, and this new info would point to the changes you are suggesting, that a SSN will verify a bk (I think you'll see a few errors in bk reporting here), then tell us what it is you are referring to.

    Also, if you have a previous persona on the board, why not tell us who you are/were? Many people here have been here since this board started, and would know you.

    I am not attacking you or anyone. I am disagreeing. I have made the mistake and had to live with it - I verified my own tax liens by faxing the copy of the release (this all occurred 6 years ago), instead of being patient enough to just dispute and make the CRA's do their jobs. So I have had to live the the tax liens for 7 years. They come off this month and next. Is it fair that I should pay this kind of price for owing the government money after my husband died? NO. And if I'd known better, I would have eventually been able to get the tax liens removed.

    What do you think is going to happen? They are going to prosecute everyone who checks the "not mine" box on the dispute for (you gotta admit your options are limited on that form) for fraud or something? Get serious.

    Not only that, but in my state, after 6 months the bk file itself is archived and moved, and the only thing that can be checked is a brief computized record of the outline of the filing, and date of discharge (or whatever). To get a copy of mine, I have to pay the records service the attorney uses - the courts don't have them! I am in an occupation where I get asked this question and have to answer truthfully, sometimes I have to document, so I can tell you what they have and don't have in the "public records" here.

    So, document your position, and tell us who you are that we should listen to you.

    I have huge archived files of thank-you letters from people I have helped, and 7,000+ posts on this board. LKH and the other have similar stuff. What have you got that we should defer to your opinion?
  18. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    well gee I must be doing something wrong. I never filed for BK. I have 26 good accounts and 1 paid chargeoff from 4 years ago. My fico is 599. I reallyyyyyy hate fico.
  19. Touchdown

    Touchdown Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Breeze, LKH, and PyschDoc -

    Thanks so much for putting your insite into this thread. This is really a timely topic for me as I was just discharged from a BK7 in January and have gotten my TU and EX reports back and noticed errors.

    I have been debating which route to go (included in BK or Not Mine) so it was very good to read the varrying ideas on which way is best. I choose to go with NOT MINE for TU and EX, awaiting my EQ report.

    I'll be looking towards your wisdome and advice in the months ahead!
  20. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    Anyone here that has disagreed with me on this one can obviously handle themselves, learn form their mistakes, and give free expert advise. I am in no way new to this stuff just because of the number of posts. Of course I've checked out this site to previous posts and subjects and can tell this is a good site for one to learn from. Obviously anyone with thousands of posts such as those that disagree with me have a certain passion for this stuff and have more knowledge than many many others. I wasn't saying anyone that "disagreed with me" was personally attacking me or anything. It was a post on a different subject that I mistaked for this one. Oops oh well. My point was that some of the stuff I have gone through on expert advise is a little bit out dated and that things are changing just like every thing else changes in the world, FAST. Alot of people that decide to go through any kind of credit repair or reastablish their damaged credit file are going to be fairly new to this stuff. They will read posts without knowing that this is ALOT easier said than done. Anyone that has succesfully gone through all their credit reports and have had success under extremely difficult situations, deleting a bankruptcy on all 3 reports, getting all negative accounts erased or whatever. GREAT JOB, but these tactics are going to be extremely difficult in the near future and most don't realize that when these accounts or public information comes back, their credit files are going to be worse than they were before and tough to change. I'm sure many people new to this stuff read "It's easy or etc." and get themselves into more trouble than when they started. Credit repair is not something alot of people should handle on their own, just like going to court without a lawyer. But obviously the ones that have succesfully gone through it themselves with success, and get it done for good are the exception. I would bet a VERY high percentage of people try it ALL on their own and make costly irreversable mistakes. If you don't have the time, money, knowledge, or experience and want quicker fixes and would be happy with a FICO in the low 700's after Bankruptcy and can deal with it, which isn't bad at all. Take my advise. If you have alot of time, experience, knowledge, and are 100% confident that you can do it the other way and get away with it in the future too. Take the advise of others that have disagreed with me. Everyone thank you for the disagreements to show both sides of this subject. PEACE TO ALL, AND TO ALL GOOD LUCK!!!!!
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