Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jason1971, Feb 14, 2003.

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  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    1*This is just the best summary. I love this, and I'm saving it. (And then I'm gonna use it without attribution, lol! . . . j.k.)

    2*Seriously, this is so right-on, it belongs in everybody's sig, lol: "They don't want people to know how sloppy they are, how bad their systems are, and that they don't care if it's right or not, as long as they can sell it."
    1*Doc are you all rite? You haven't snapped have you? Surely you jest! LOL

    2*This just basically sums up what I have been saying all along.

    The END ************************* LB 59

  2. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    I don't check this site out every night so I guess I am a "troll". Also I don't care about how I spell things because #1 , this is not an english class, #2 , I just type away and don't anylize what I have typed afterwords, #3 I do not use spell check. If you guys don't understand the overall picture in what I am trying to tell you about the future steps in this matter and current, do not understand how and why the CRA(s) are now starting to take in disputed info for so called "terroristic reasons, and whatever outdated tactics that use to work. ETC. ETC. I could go on and on." I have personally used the advise others are giving to get accounts and personal info deleted and had success even in 2002 even though it was not hard to figure out myself and did not look to this site for the advise.To now and in near future. Yes the "upper above" are taking control just like they do with anything that has problems like the CRA(s). If you don't get it, pleasedon't take it out on me because of the fact that I don't have over 10000 posts. Obviously anytime their are problems someone needs to be held "accountable" Thats where they are stepping in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    I also understand the way the CRA(S) in the past and the "present are not 100% accurate" But you also have to realize the other end of it also. "higher up" steped in on FCNB and Nextcard and you can see what is happening to others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rebuild Credit After Bk Read This!!

    That is very obvious. You should analyze what you have typed because it is jibberish and impossible to make any sense out your ramblings. I don't think you have any idea what you are trying to say. But I can guarantee you no one here understands your nonsense.
  5. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Rebuild Credit

    I don't think "Jason" realizes that the purpose of English class is to help one make sense outside of English class. "Jason" should have studied harder, or perhaps he should be studying harder right now.

    Gibberish? Absolutely.
  6. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Rebuild Credit

    While I'm not going to get into the "troll" side of this discussion Jason???? does make some relevant points when he states that the CRAs are coming under some additional scrutiny. It is my understanding that some Congressional committee's may be studying the problem at the present time with an eye towards curing some of the problems that are obviously caused by their previous legislation. One problem is that despite previous legislation to cure inaccuracies in reporting they are still rampant.

    Another problem is exactly what Jason states. Consumers have abused the system allowing great numbers of bad risks to easily clean up their credit reports thereby appearing to be great credit risks when in fact they are prone to repeat their errors yet once again to the detriment of the lending industry.

    So it is likely that at some point in time Congress will move to change things and it isn't likely to be to the benefit of the consumer. Simplistic approaches to credit repair such are likely to become completely illegal no matter who practices them.

    It is not all that hard to imagine that some system may be put in place whereby although not reportable to lenders, consumers who demonstrate a pattern of defaulting and then cleaning up their credit only to default again could be detected and prosecuted.

    Due to the high number of lender failures something obviously must be done and there is no telling what measures may be taken to curb the problem.

    Of course, Congress is not likely to cure the real problem which is loss of jobs due to their foreign trade policies. Ten or twenty years ago the popular wisdom was that the service industry would become the new corporate giants and that has indeed become fact but we cannot survive if we do nothing but provide services to one another. True wealth does not lie in our ability to provide services to one another but rather in our natural resources which are not without limit. To understand that we only have to look at countries such as Mexico which has few natural resources but does have limitless population which cannot be fed, housed and clothed without almost total reliance upon foreign trade and deficit spending.
  7. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Rebuild Credit

    LKH, I have gone back and read previous posts and replies by you from the last few months. I do not doubt your knowledge or your success in the past. But you really have a serious problem going after other users on this site. You seem to think that you work for this site something. Did you ever think that maybe I have miissppeelleedd to easily touch your nerves with gibersh LOL!!! Because it sure works "Remember they are watching us" GOTCHA!!! And this grew with views even faster. The only reason you are so paranoid and need to respond is to make me look like an idiot so it would stop. I couldn't't believe your first reply took SO long. It's tough to look like an idiot and be nowleadjable at the same time. Sorry it was a joke just like "Their watching us". Even Bill Bauer and Psychdoc responded DAMN!!! Guess who I am????????????????? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bill nice reply Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Rebuild Credit

    LKH, PLeAsE DiSaGrEe WiTh Me To ThE VeRy EnD!!!!!!!!!!!! MaybeIshouldhaveranmywordstogetherlikethis!!!!!!!!
  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit

    No trollster, I only go after people who intentionally give incorrect or misleading info, like you. Your grammar is not intentionally bad.

    I don't need to respond to make you look like an idiot, you do a good job of that yourself. You are correct in that it is difficult to look knowledgeable and like an idiot at the same time, so you may as well quit now.
  10. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit

    LKH, What did I do to you that touches a nerve. You are the one that gives misleading info. You call me a "troll" and why?? You are the one who says I say things that I NEVER did in other subjects. You are someone that can not handle making a bed and being able to sleep in it. What misleading information did I EVER, EVER give to anyone? You are the one personally attacking my words that I type and WHY? Dude go back at other subjects and posts that you respond to and look at your own pattern of responses towards others. LKH please brush up on credit repair in the now and not what worked for you and myself in the past. What right do you have throwing the word around "troll" at someone??? All FICO means is the potential ability to repay debts on time within the near future. A so-called "prime" credit card is not what makes someone succsesfull. I personally had my Bankruptcy discharged in December 2001 and have 4 unsecured credit cards with no annual fees or dummy charges. Also my FICO WILL be in the low 700's within 2 months. It's all real information with legit reporting to the current date to the CRA(s). Do I need to respond to you by attacking your words all the time like you do to me? NO!!!
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit

    What touches my nerves? The fact that you continue to tell me what I, as well as everyone else here, are giving misleading info but yet you still haven't given any proof of what is misleading. What is it that needs to change? What does it need to change to? When you can give creditable proof of what you are talking about, then you will be take seriously. Until then,all you are doing is trying to disrupt this board, which makes you a troll.

    Proof, facts please.

    BTW, I'm not the only one that called you a troll. Why is it you continue to comment to me only? Is it because you were banned from here under another user name?
  12. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit

    LKH, Go back and actually read your responses to others within the last 3 years. When you do not agree with something personally you attack others and call them "trolls" or whatever. The sad thing is that you are really trying to go out of your way to make me look like a complete idiot. Do you actually believe I am a complete idiot and have no idea what I am saying or typing??? Ya I guess I am clueless and have now idea!!!!!!!!!! And you actually believe that. DAMN
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit

    What I have said to others that give misinfo has nothing to do with this. I'm still waiting for your facts and proof of what you say. All these posts and you still ignore the question. Where is your proof that what WE advise is wrong? If you can't answer, just say so.
  14. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit

    You and I both know it is getting more and more difficult to simply delete things on credit reports. I do not question your knowledge, and respect your time in at this site!!! I have nothing against you personally believe me, and for you to take your time to help others is VERY noble. The percentage of people that can handle this on their own is getting lower and lower every month. The CRA(s) are getting it and have no choice. Have you seen the subjects lately that say "CRA(s) did'nt believe me"??? These people are in more trouble now than when they first started.
  15. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit

    That's it? Cra's have been saying that since the day the FCRA was established. That is nothing new.
  16. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: Rebuild Credit

    LKH, I don't want any part of this spat between you two and I'm not about to get into it at any price. But he does raise a point that I would like to get your opinion on. You can answer me by email if you prefer to do so.

    I know that a personal opinion is all that you can give because nobody keeps any records but it does seem to me that the number of people who are telling stories of woe about credit bureau problems is rising slowly over time.

    Do you notice that too?

    If you prefer to ignore my question because of this spat, that's OK too. I won't feel badly if your reply is that you prefer not to answer.

    Personally, I think the success rate is deteriorating over time.
  17. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Rebuild Credit


    LKH doesn't call them "trolls" because he disagrees with them. He disagrees with them because they are trolls, which means that they try to disrupt the normal flow of accurate information and genuine success stories.

    Just be glad that anyone pities you enough to respond at all.
  18. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Rebuild Credit

    My real first name is acutually jason for one. Throwing the word around "troll" at someone hmmm? Also FICO score is the supposed reability to pay within the next 2 years. I personally had my Banko discharged in December 2001. I had a score in the low 400's after checking, I had like 25 bad accounts. After FICO simulators my score will be arond 708 in about 2-3 months. I have 8 credit cards now and actually only care about the FICO score. Paying off the balances in full and keeping the balances down and keeping the debt to credit lines seem to be the key. This post orriganlly started by myself was supossed to help others know that are going through it now and to let others know that the old tactics do not work as well as they used to. Also when you erase "everything" it takes away the total time that credit was established which helps. LKH you will see a growing number of people that have problems not getting the results that are not realalistic in the future. B. Bauer I thank U for not personally ripping me 4 my words. And if you disagree with me that's O.K!!!! 4 real. I personally had things that worked for myself in the past that will not work now TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Rebuild Credit

    I don't disagree.
    I too think that much of what has been posted either has already become such common knowledge that it's effectiveness is greatly reduced.
  20. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    Re: Rebuild Credit

    O.K so let me get this straight. All you have to do is send tons of letters or phone calls to the CRA(s) and hope they do not respond within 30 days over and over again, or threaten them with lawsuites and they will just go away and your credit reports will be clean??? Clean of what? Your credit history??? I personally had my FICO in the low 400's in early 2002 and will be in the low 700's in a couple of months. Not much work, worry, and 100% legit. Funny these things seem to come back for some and you "experts" have no help for them. Can you not admit the growing number of people that are having problems disputing? Like I said before I used some of these tactics in the past and they do not work like they used too!!!! And what is your goal??? A "prime" credit card??? Simply look, FICO is the reability to repay within the next 2 years and mortgage lenders don't even look at a Bankruptcy such as FHA after 2 years. Just don't carry a balance with sub-prime or prime cards and fix the credit reports like they should be "LEGIT". I have a 11.99% unsecured credit card but I guess it is not "prime"!!! The main thing is to get rid of the debts that are not yours and to rebuild FICO scores. FICO scores in the low 700's are very doable after ONE year of Bankruptcy and I am living proof!!!!!!! By the way I had like 25 bad accounts.
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