I'm trying to spend more time working on my husband's reports. I am trying to get the included in bk accounts deleted and also the Ch. 7, although I don't see that it is likely to happen. That being said...he has a Cap One Gold with, I think a 1K cl...DMB with a 9,900 cl, Target Visa (I think $500) Premier with 500, Future Card with I think $250 and First National Bank with I think $250. He's closing out the last three because of the fees and toy card limits and because he doesn't use them. He is wanting another card like DMB, but every one he has applied for has turned him down because of the Bk even though he has good scores. One problem is that he included about 7 of the most popular prime cards in his bk. What would you guys recommend as far as cardwise for him to apply for? Forget Discover, Chase, Fleet, Providian, First USA and Prudential right off the bat. Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head that were included in the bk. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks! L
You're doing the right thing. He could get another Cap1... and I would also retention then pfb his current cap1 card for a better limit and great terms... then do the same with a new Cap1 With 2 Cap1s 1 RNB Target Visa (work on those terms too) and a DMB for a high limit, he's actually fine. He doesn't need a huge amount of new credit, just cards that are not highly utilized. He'll also want to get cards he wants to keep, and Cap1 will let him go to Plat within 2-4 years depending on how tenacious he is with them. I've been revising my strategy lately, fewer cards, but keeping them forever If he wants a dept/gas card, you know he can get a regular Target guest card and if you have QT gas stations, UMB bank will approve a QT card with a 400-500 limit.... Radioshack will do the same even with a bk showing (and it's a good back door into Citi). If he's going to try for new cards, I'd do the Cap1 first then any other ones all together... that way his score takes the hit then recovers over the next year.
Hello Whyspers - Did hubby get the DMB card (nice CL) before the BK or after? Also (pardon my ignorance), who/what is DMB? Thanks.
Thanks, Marie. He has very low utilization (I think he owes maybe $500 - $600 tops on all cards combined. WEll...I did bt to his DMB card, so he's at 50% on that one, but all of the others have next to nothing on them. He is wanting another high limit card like DMB because now he won't use it because of my BT and I'm making the payments on it. Guess he will have to be patient a while longer. Ted, the DMB is Direct Merchant's Bank. He got it in November of this year...fiiled for Ch. 7 in 98. I almost fell over when I saw the CL and I'm still not sure how he got approved for it when no one else will give him the time of day, but there you have it. L
2 more questions.... What were his scores like back in Nov '01? Which DMB card did he apply for... Rate Rewards MC? http://www.cardoffers.com/reviews/cards/details/card.asp?id=301 Regular MC? http://www.cardoffers.com/reviews/cards/details/card.asp?id=298 Thanks.
http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...74181&highlight="direct+merchants"#post174181 http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...76005&highlight="direct+merchants"#post176005 My first question was answered in the above posts... Very unpredictable results...I don't want to "gamble" away an inquiry...