I sent a validation letter to CA over a Discover chargeoff and received my green receipt from the post office the other day.@ questions:first did I screw up by validating when my SOL is only a year old?Secondly, now that I have done that should I dispute with CRA's now or wait for the 30 days to see if I hear back from th CA?What's my next step?
I checked my crdit report and it shows up as an inquiry from the CA.Do I still dispute that?There is nothing else on my Cr except a couple of inquiries from the OC and the charge-off from the OC.
If the CA isn't reporting, then you just play the waiting game, and hope that the CA can't get documentation from the OC, which seems unlikely because of the new age of the account; but stranger things have happened... How long did you have the account before CO?