Received my settlement check today Wow, they sure were fast about it! As soon as they return the signed Settlement and Mutual Release and I file for a dismissal, my first attempt will have reached a successful conclusion! Thanks creditnettors! I never would have even thought about doing all if this if it weren't for you guys L
Re: Received my settlement check today Thanks...beta...the checks in the mail <heehee>. I'm really on cloud nine right now. I was really down in the dumps over getting some of this resolved ever, especially since Gulfstate keeps popping off and on Equifax on a sometimes daily basis. BUT...I just got a phone call from CCB's legal department! It seems that someone there is now ready to investigate the situation. I filed against them today, but will hold off on service for a few days to see if this can't be resolved. I really hate to eat the $150 filing fees, and normally I wouldn't, but I did say I would wait until Friday to file, but I assumed I wouldn't hear back so I decided not to wait. (That will teach me to assume...) Ah well....hope this gets resolved because I'm telling you, Equifax is REALLY asking for L <---riding that Calgon wave....
Re: Received my settlement check today whyspers, You can always make the $150 part of your settlement. I'm sorry..... but I forgot what your situation was with the lawsuit. I know that there were a couple in the last week or so. would you please refresh my memory? Did the CA's do a no show? Charlie
Re: Received my settlement check today If CCB fixes it, I will request that the court dismiss them from the suit and will carry on with Ex. In fact...I'll probably go ahead and have them served and just hold off on serving CCB until I hear something back from them this week. On the lawsuit where I just received the settlement check, they sent me a letter two days after they were served and had deleted the entry. I sent them back a letter thanking them, but also telling them that as I mentioned in my last correspondence, I would not settle the case for just deletion if I had to file the action in order to get a response. Hence...the check The whole case is listed on my website...getting ready to scan in the check and post it now. L
Re: Received my settlement check today I was just going to ask her the same question via email, because I lost it. When I clicked on her name... presto ... it's in her profile.
Re: Received my settlement check today You're lucky, I got "confidentiality agreements" on all 3 of my lawsuits. I did scan the checks and have them on disk in case I ever had a need for them CONGRATS!!!
Re: Received my settlement check today Christi, I honestly don't think this place had ever been sued before. Their "attorney" is actually a debt collector attorney who give lectures on debt collecting across the country. They acted like they had never been in this situation before. I mean I only filed on Feb. 15...they were served on Feb. 22 and they cut the check on April 4th? This must be a world record for the fastest settlement L
Re: Received my settlement check today Congratulations!!! Nice site too!! I just started looking at it, but I think this will be very useful to many people! Thanks a million!
Re: Received my settlement check today GREAT JOB WHYSPERS!!!!!! You have set a great example for those who are going to sue these CAs and CRAs.
Re: Received my settlement check today Love your site Whyspers. I just checked it out tonight and now I can see I'll have another 'favorite' to get addicted to! Loved reading all the cases posted.