I moved on the first of the year and recently received a district court summons via US mail forwarded from my old address. There is no complaint made, only the summons and instructions to answer with in twenty one days. I did not receive summons until after the twenty-one days had passed. I do not know the party or lawyer listed on the summons. I called the court clerk and it is really filed and she made a comment that "they all BofA credit cards" and that a motion to judgment had not been filed. She instructed me to file my answer on Monday. I have worked with an assigned collector on this account in the past, made some payments, but missed one and have not had contact with that collector since. That was 18 months ago and the names on the lawsuit are new to me. I googled the defendant and they buy debt portfolios, so I assumed they have purchased the bad debt. How do I answer? Does the fact that the suit was filed at a wrong address affect my standing? And is there any way to get around giving my new address to the atty and defendant?
I don't think you are going to get more then that Monday on filing Answer. Should try and make sure to get that done. Be sure to appear in court and defend yourself. I filed an answer when I went into foreclosure but I can't remember what it looked like to help you. I don't know which one is correct first one is how to file answer in magistrate court and second one is how to file answer in Justice Court. http://www.co.yellowstone.mt.gov/justicecourt/civildef/How to File an Answer.pdf How to answer a civil lawsuit in magistrate court RI District Court - Instructions for Small Claims Defendant