I have 4 adverse accounts and 1 satisfactory. I think one of the adverse is the same as the satisfactory. Here's the info: Adverse: Balance = 0 Date updated = 11/01 High Bal = $900 Terms = 120 Monthly $40 Pay Status = Paid/Paying as agreed A/c type = installment a/c Date Open = 5/97 Date Closed = 11/01 Loan Type = Student Loan Remarks = Closed 2 30 day lates; 3 60 day lates; 2 90+ day lates. Satisfactory: Balance = <nothing stated> Date updated = 5/1999 High Bal = $900 Terms = 24 monthly Pay status = Paid/Paying as agreed A/c type = installment a/c Date Open = 5/1997 Date closed = <nothing stated> Loan Type = Student Loan Remarks = <none stated> The listed creditor of the adverse is some company; of the satisfactory is my former school. Should I bother validating/verifying the adverse debt? If it is the same as the satisfactory debt, could that be jepordized? Looks like the bad debt should fall off the report in 2008. Thanks